Ballot Boxes and Bayonets
Ballot Boxes and Bayonets
is a brief essay on
Why Christians should be non-voting and non-political
By Earl Jackson.
Judges 17:6 In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.
Judges 21:25 In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.
Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.
These verses perfectly describe the American system. It is a system that shuns a king, and in fact shuns sovereign rule of any kind in favor of a so-called "by the people and for the people" form of mob-ocracy. The mob voice is better than the voice of a benevolent king, so we rule by ballot instead of by truth and justice. We rule by democracy instead of by Theocracy. We rule by human wisdom instead of Divine wisdom, and our government is Man-ocracy instead of God-ocracy. Mob rule is the same as "the majority wins". This is exactly what we have in Washington and in American politics. It is the American system in a nutshell. What is right in the eyes of the people wins over what is right in the eyes of God. The two systems are antagonistic, and that is why America is not now, nor ever has been, a Christian country. We are exactly the opposite of a Christian country, and always have been. We are a pagan land where might means right, and power and money are the real gods that are worshiped and served. "By the people and for the people" always means: "without God and in spite of God". It can mean nothing less than that, because all people hate God and prefer darkness. Thats what being fallen creatures means. Since the majority of the mob are lost, the minority always forfeit their rights to them. Might means right equals Christians always lose and sinners always win.
The voting box protects our right to be self-centered and godless, and removes our right to be ruled by God in Theocracy, because mob-rule always takes precedence over righteousness. The people want what's right in their own eyes, and do not want whats right in the eyes of God, and that is the inherent flaw in democracy. If many people are running down the broad road that leads to destruction, and few people are entering in at the straight gate that leads to everlasting life, then who do you think is going to win at the ballot box? The majority of course! That is the reason why democracy at is core, is an anti-God and anti-Christian system. God does not govern the universe based on the rights of the mob. He governs based on true righteousness and holiness. The mob is in rebellion against Him. That's what sin is. God's people are always in the minority, and always lose under a ballot box government. Why we imagine otherwise is beyond comprehension? The fact is that the minority always lose at the ballot box. That's what the whole system is designed to do! The godless win and the righteous lose. The majority rules. The minority submits to the majority. Good Christians supporting the system, and imagining that it is their duty toward God and country, do not change the fact that they will always loose in any general governmental election. Evil people and programs will always prevail under any system of majority rule. Those are plain facts, and those facts alone should convince you that the system is not Christian, it is against Christians. That's plenty of reason to not buy into all that God and country civic duty bull. That is plenty of reason for Christians never to vote.
I am not suggesting either, that America replace its system of government in the manner of the Dominionists, and try to form a Theocratic Kingdom here on earth. I am against Theocratic Kingdoms on earth, and so is God. That is why there are none. God is against them! God's Kingdom is in Heaven, and He does not require any kingdom on a doomed planet. That system (Dominionism, Christianized Washington) is also a system of folly, because the actual Theocratic kingdom, the God-ocracy, is not of this world, and is not in this world. The kingdoms of this world are not the kingdoms of our God, and it is not His intention, and never was His intention, that they should be. This was one of the the great errors of Calvin, Luther, and the Puritans. They believed God wanted Christian government. Our citizenship, at least as far as Christians are concerned, is in heaven. God rules on high not in Washington!, not in Rome, and not in Jerusalem, and certainly not in Geneva! From heaven, however He rules over all things, completely and perfectly!
What I am suggesting therefore, is that Christians start speaking the truth that God speaks, and start realizing that the governments of earth exist simply to prevent chaos and to suppress depraved human behavior until the time of Christ's return when this world, and the governments in it shall be burned up with unquenchable fire. Governments serve God by protecting society from the ravages of moral depravity, until the time that they will be judged. They do this involuntarily and unbeknown to themselves. Government protects men from themselves, and that makes it a benevolent provision which God has ordained, till the time when He finally eliminates all of them but His own. Government protects you to some extent from the ravages of the savages, by locking up the molesters, rapists and murderers, and by keeping the barbarian hordes from invading your country. God protects society in spite of the voting box, by consistently overruling it as He sees fit. But in the end, all governments but His shall be removed.
Proverbs 16:33 The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD.
That verse means that you as a Christian need never worry about casting a vote in the box because your vote is counted above the box. Not in the box, but above the box! Not in the world, but above the world! That is where the real voting takes place, and where the real government exists which is the God-ocracy, Theocracy, which I mentioned at the beginning.
God establishes the rule of all nations (regardless of the type of human government); as His own provision to show His own goodness to the citizens of this planet, until the time that the world shall be destroyed. All citizens of all governments are therefore commanded to submit to this form of Divine benevolence, in order to protect society from itself! Anarchy and resistance is thus forbidden. And it does not even matter if a tyrannical dictator is ruling over you, your resistance is forbidden! Clearly forbidden and absolutely forbidden. You are command to honor the king, and to pray for all those in authority. Jesus did not resist, the apostles did not resist, the martyrs did not resist. In whatever state we are in, good or bad, we are expected to be contented (Phil. 4:11; 1Tim. 6:8). Christ is the agent of our contentment, not the agent of unrest. Christians are supposed to be contented in this world, even if they have nothing, and even if dictators like Herod, Caesar or Hitler are in power! This does not mean we have to agree with them, or endorse any form of godlessness. But it does mean we are commanded to render unto them whatever is due to them by law and by virtue of their rule over us. Anarchy and rebellion, hatred and intolerance, political activism and love of this world, are never permissible for Christians. Christians are in the world but not of it. And our attitude should be one of complete ambivalence and separation from the world. Yet we must never deny our faith. It could come down to us being fed to lions, or being horribly persecuted, and if they kill us, so be it, they send us to heaven quicker. But we must never revolt and lead marches or riot in the streets. That is what the world does, but that is not what Christians are supposed to do. That may have been what Martin Luther King did, and what Jessie Jackson does, but that is never what Christians are supposed to do. No verse in the Bible allows us, or commands us, or even permits us, to be concerned at all with the politics of this world. Our treasures are all laid up in heaven, and we have none here below. That's the way it is supposed to be. In heaven we shall all be rich. That's where all of our treasures are supposed to be. Our contentment and subjection to whatever happens here below is required of all Christians, because it is based upon the fact that we live by faith and not sight, and we obey what God says in spite of anything we may disagree with that happens in government. God says government is a minister from him for good (Rom. 13:4). The rulers are ministers of God, not of spiritual things, but of the sword and of justice in society. That's why we need to submit, because they are committed by God to the ministry of the affairs of sword and state, just like the church is committed by God to the ministry of salvation and mercy. Both have their place, and both are separate and different. This is the Biblical basis for separation of Church and state. That is a Biblical doctrine, not a constitutional one.
Rom. 13:3-5 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.
So what I am suggesting is simply the historic Baptist position. Baptist were the pioneers of the idea of separation of church and state, and we derive it from this Biblical concept that the state is Gods minister for sword and justice, just as the church is Gods minister for salvation and mercy. This is one of the historic Baptist principles which make us different from all other protestants. We are not like them in that we do not share their false confusion of church and state. We never endorsed such confusion, even though we share many beliefs with them. We existed before their protests against Catholicism, and we have many distinctives that are very different. In fact, the Baptist people were banished from the puritan stronghold of Massachusetts Bay Colony, for their resistance to the idea that the church was the state, an idea that the puritans pushed in the name of Theocracy. The puritans followed Luther and Calvin in the notion that there should be no difference between church and state, and that the church should in fact also be the state, so that Theocracy would in fact be the law of the land. This led to huge problems. In Geneva, Calvin, shamefully contributed to the death of a believer named Servitus, because he viewed the man as an heretic. In the American colonies, many Baptists were likewise killed along with the witches and others, because the puritans were enforcing theocracy through their identification of church with state. Every church that has ever been confused on this has wielded the sword in the name of theocracy, and heretics and the like have been killed sometimes in genocidal proportions, see the crusades for an example. Baptist have always been the champions, almost solitarily I might add, for the belief of separation of church and state. It is a historic fundamental precept of our faith. We should all be against confusion of church and state, but at the same time we should, at least as far as Christians are concerned, also be against the mob rule concepts idealized in the democratic principles of the ballot box.
Shame on the modern right wing evangelicals, many of whom call themselves Baptists, who are trying to Christianize Washington, and trying to turn Congress into some sort of a Church. That is blasphemous. It is also very non-Christian. Baptist's and all Christians for that matter, need to return to separation of church and state; and especially the men of God who are called to preach! Preachers need to quit lobbying, quit preaching politics, and exit Washington, and make a bee-line back to their pulpits where they can actually fulfill their Divine calling, and can actually do something that might change this world! You waste your time on politics, when God has called you to much greater things. Shame on you. You disgrace the Lord that bought you when you act just like the world, and think that ballot boxes move heaven or earth. Shame on you. You ought to take to reading the Bible instead of the federalist papers! You are a disgrace to Christ. If He called you to preach to the dying world, and instead you are embroiled in Washington's futile political agendas, you have prostituted your high and noble calling. What's wrong with you? Did God call you to preach and not give you any brains? Don't you know that time is short? Don't you know that Christ is soon to return? Don't you know that the capital building, and the white house, and Washington, will be burned up, just like everything else on this doomed planet? Don't you know that men are perishing? Are you ignorant of the great commission? Don't you know that only Christ and the gospel, can change wicked men and wicked countries? Then, get out of Washington, and start warning men to flee from the wrath to come. If Christ called you to preach, then do it. He calls none of His children vote, and He calls none of His children to politics. He calls all of His children to come out from the world and be separated unto Him. He calls all of His children to suffer for the kingdom, and to lay up their treasures in heaven above. Only cowards and unbelievers don't trust Him in all things, and those are the people who belong in Washington, the ones who trust only the arm of the flesh (Jeremiah 17:5).
I see good Christians every day in a quandary, and in emotional distress because of politics. It's quite sad. They imagine that they have to vote. Perhaps some ignorant preacher told them it was their duty to God and country. And when faced with the options they imagine that they have to "choose between the lesser of two evils" when they go to the voting machine. They know that the politicians are depraved people. All of them; democrat, republican, libertarian, socialist; they are all sinners, and very few of them even profess to be Christians, and if they do, they still support plenty of un-Christian policies. So how can we vote? Who do we vote for? Christians are worried and perplexed over this when they should not be worried at all.
If you vote for the lesser evil, out of a choice of many evils which seem far worse, what you are doing is endorsing the evil just the same! You are casting in your vote for an evil among greater evils, but it is evil none the less. How can you conceive of this as the Christian way? or imagine that it something Christians are supposed to do? It is clearly not the Christian thing to do? It is against Christ to vote for lesser evils, because all evil is the same. How can voting for a lesser evil, (adding it to the hundreds of evils already in our laws, and already among our legislators); how can that make society any better? or solve any problems at all? Voting for evil creates more evil! And there is no magic in the voting process that turns the evil into good. If you vote for evil men who hate God, how is this Christian? Yet Christians feel shamed into thinking it is their Christian civic duty and their moral responsibility to vote. Where can you find it in the Bible that Christians are supposed to vote for evil people or evil causes? If they are all sinners, (maybe some are saved), but if they are all sinners with sinful ideas, greed, lust etc., then why on earth would you want to endorse any of them if you are a child of God? Even if they are saved, they have to cave into the fact of the voting box and the immoral majority, because the majority wins, even in congress, even in the senate, even in the house and everywhere that a vote is taken. The few Christians that are among them always cave in to the mob that wins in the box. That's why after 200 years of voting, we get progressively further and further from God, truth and righteous judgment in this country. Evil pans out and wins in the voting box. It has to be that way, because the whole system is based on "might is right" rather than "right is right".
The Christian vote is always wasted, except in church where the majority are Christians! Yet voting for evil, and promoting the candidates who are the lesser of all evils, seems to many pastors and evangelical leaders to be just the thing to do. That's really a great Christian idea isn't it? Lets run to the voting booth and vote for the person who hates God the least! Lets vote for the person who is least like his father Satan! Yes, That's what our Christian duty is? Vote for the lesser devils, but not the main one! In doing that, we will be performing our Christian duty! This form of thinking is absolutely warped and twisted. I know non-Christians, complete atheists, who would not support such a dubious idea of endorsing lesser evils. Evil is still evil. Isn't it?
If you think like that, you are not thinking like a Christian at all. You are thinking just like Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, Combes and all the other people promoting Man-ocracy, and hyper Americanism. God does not tell you as a Christian to do anything at all like that. In fact He commands you to shun even the very appearance of evil (1Thess. 5:22). That means that voting for the least evil out of many is also wrong! If it appears evil, you do not vote for it. If it appears evil, you flee from it! If it appears evil, you take it to the voting booth in heaven and ask your Father to eliminate it. But you do not vote for it! That's actually the major reason why you should not vote if you are a Christian. And that's also a basic Christian principle known as separation. We are to come out from among the world, out from among the evil, and be separate. We are to "touch not the unclean thing".
1Cor. 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.
Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
This principle of separation of Christians from evil and too the Lord, has largely been forgotten. But it still clearly applies. We have forgotten many critical spiritual truths, because of our friendship with the world. Our love of Washington, Money, Power, and applause has caused many of us to sell out the core values of Christianity. Separation from the world is one of those values, and it clearly identifies us as being different. The world wants you to endorse this candidate or that on, and you need to tell them... "Sorry, but Jesus gets all my votes! Sorry, but I vote in heaven, where my vote is actually counted! Sorry, but I don't believe in evil, and I don't vote for it! Sorry, but My God supplies all my needs, and I need nothing from Washington!" That sounds Christian to me, and it sure makes more sense than hanging up ten commandments on the walls of a Supreme court that does not believe in any of them. Come on dear Christians. Now is a critical time. And whats so critical about it, is that you need to think correctly as never before, and quite misplacing your trust and your emphasis, and start working for what really makes a difference. Start working for heaven, and for God's kingdom, instead of the kingdoms of this world.
A friend of mine told me that he thinks voting and political involvement is part of the way that Christians engage with the world, and that preaching the gospel, praying and living holy lives in front of them is not enough. We have to actively be involved with them, engaging them on every level, social, political, work, school etc. We cannot reach people by being separated. We need to be involved. Politics is a sphere where we are required to participate and show our god given dominion and stewardship. That sounds well and good, but you cannot improve on God's system, and all these well meaning souls, who are actively engaging the world soon begin to act and think just like the world, and soon absorb their humanistic philosophies, right into their own worldview, until their form of Christianity is no longer Christianity at all. It is false doctrine, no matter how good it sounds. The principle of engaging society as they understand it means compromising the truth and watering down the practices of the church enough so that they become appealing to the general populace. This is clearly not Christian thinking at all. It sound good, but God knows and has specifically told us, that friendship with the world prostitutes Christian thinking turning us against God, rather turning them for God. "Friendship with the world, is enmity against God, and whoever would be the friend of the world is the enemy of God" (James 4:4). God knows what He is talking about, no matter how much somebody wants to imagine that playing politics is a Christian responsibility. It is not. Your responsibilities are to God first and foremost. And your view on political activism and involvement, needs to come from him, and not from some Bible thump-er on a campaign trail, who is concerned about getting someone elected or some agenda passed. Listen to God, not the mob.
James 4:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.
1Jn 2:15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
This forgotten Biblical principle of separation from the world mitigates against the notion that we should engage with the world in their activities, processes, ideas and even moral or social improvements. We are to be separate, and the way that we engage them is in terms of the great commission, which commands them to repent trust Christ and join us in the separated community of faith. The gospel is our only means of engagement. Either they believe and join us, or we will remain separate. But never are we supposed to join them in anything. Start thinking correctly here, or you will be swallowed up by the world you imagine yourself to be engaging.
When Israel entered the promised land, God commanded them to totally wipe out and extinguish all the ungodly people that were inhabiting the land. This was to ensure the purity and holiness of his own people. This was because light is to have no fellowship with darkness, and mixing belief with unbelief is forbidden by New Testament commandment.
2Co 6:14-18 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? 15 What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? 16 What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said, "I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17 Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you, 18 and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty."
Separation from the world is commanded by scripture for Christians, dallying and dancing with the world in the name of engagement is therefore not permissible, even though it has routinely become fashionable among this upbeat, progressive and engaging generation of worldly Christians. It's a sin... a deadly sin that has become accepted due to its own pernicious effects. When this sin is practiced it blinds our eyes to its own inherent sinfulness, and soon we began thinking that what we are doing is actually good, and soon we began others to partake in our adulteries with us.
Besides what I have already indicated, I also advocate for total Christian non-involvement in politics based on several things derived from the Scriptures.
1. God is in control, despite ballot boxes, and despite the humanistic "by the people and for the people" imaginary mentality. He is working all things after the counsel of His own will (Eph. 1:11).
2. Voting implies that the majority is right, when it is not (Matt. 7:14). And it gives them the authority, by majority vote, to have their cake and eat it too, to serve man and not God, and to always and perpetually put forward the will of the immoral majority, in order to ignore the will of the righteous minority. Voting endorses that system, which is designed to ultimately remove every last right from you as a follower of Jesus Christ. You think your rights have been eaten away already? Just keep voting! You are voting yourself out of all rights, when you vote for evil. Eventually the evil will totally win according to that system. It is anti-God, Anti-Christ and Anti- Christian by its very nature. That is what the majority is, and that is what the majority wants...evil! The Bible clearly says that the majority is wrong. God determines what is right. And Christians are followers of Him and they should always refuse to follow the crowd.
3. Christian government is an oxymoron. There is no such thing, and there is not supposed to be such a thing. That's why state and church must be separate at all costs, because a Christian state or any religious state, removes your right to actually be a Christian as you see fit. It substitutes believer priesthood for the priesthood of the state, and the perceived good of the people for the righteousness of God. The purpose of Government is not to be Christian, it is to govern society and prevent anarchy. It is the purpose of the church to be Christian, and not the state! That is why there is to be strict separation of Church and state. God does not save states He saves individuals, who happen to live in states. Christianity is about saving the individual, the state is about saving society from anarchy. If you right wing evangelical preachers keep blurring the distinctions between church and state, and keep pressing for a Christianized government, with ten commandments on the wall of our courts, and prayers in our congress and senate, you are actually destroying your freedoms to serve and worship God in the process, because you are giving your believer priesthood to the state. That's why now instead of real prayers in congress, we have Moslem prayer, and prayers which forbid mention of Jesus Christ by name. Prayers are limited to the nebulous all-knowing nothing, and what started out as actual Christians praying for the transactions of Congress, has been denigrated to prayer from all faiths and to no actual Gods in particular. When the state takes over praying, they mutilate it and rob it of it's efficacy. And when they eventually succeed in taking over all your Christian rights, your God will be turned into one of many idols. That's the mission of the mob. When you vote in any way under their system, you are voting them closer to the achievement of their mission to eliminate God from the world. A Christianized state will lead to the state legislating what you can and cannot believe, say and practice. The history of the reformation and the puritans, along with the crusades and the state religions of Europe, prove that this will always be the case. State religion removes Christian freedom to worship God according to the dictates of conscience. Always. It is inevitable. You think you are advancing the cause of religious freedom, by trying to Christianize the American system, and you are cutting your own throat in the process, and killing the future of religious liberty and Christian rights as you have known them in the past. When you think that the state is your savior and the protector of your religion, of course God is going to remove your right to worship. You have traded the Christian worldview for the state. You have traded simple faith for legislated morality. You are dead in the water every time you vote. It's a huge mistake. And I weep to see the misled preachers of America, taking up the flag and draping it over their Bible, as though god has called them to preach Americanism, and false democracy instead of the gospel. I weep and so should you because preachers who should know better have actually derailed and obscured the glorious gospel which is the only reason for our existence. We are to preach Christ and nothing but Christ. Shame on you preachers who obscure Him and glorify candidates and false ideologies. Shame on you! Preach Christ. That is the calling of the church. The world is dead, and your politics will never change that, but your gospel can! It's the only thing that can. If you think differently, then for God's sake resign your pulpit and become a lobbyist, but don't try to be both because you make a mockery of Christ. If you are so set on serving Washington and its dead ideals, then please get on with it, but not in church. You are required to behave yourself according to God's principles in His church which is the pillar and ground of the truth (1Tim. 3:15). Politics in any form is misbehavior in church, and you preachers ought to know that. Take it to Washington, if you think that is your calling, but every time you mention it in Gods church you disgrace the Lord who called you!
4. Christians are told what to do in the face of an evil society, and it does not involve voting for more evil! It involves praying for leaders and for those in authority, asking God to supply our needs. It involves preaching Christ in the evil society, because He is the only hope for men, and He is Gods only answer to all of earths problems. That's what Christians are commanded to do. It is called the great commission, because it is God's way of changing the world. That's why it is good news. We are not commanded to do that which is right in our own eyes, or to follow the shallow and humanistic programs of political movements and agendas. Too many Christians today resemble Rush Limbaugh, and other high profile activists, rather than the Lord Jesus Christ. We are not to be followers of evil men. We are to be followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we are to identify with His way and His truth exclusively, and not with the ways and ideologies of the world, which always exclude Him.
5. Politics and politicking, cannot protect any of your rights as a Christian. That is your Lords job, and it is also His promise. Don't trade the Theocracy that you have in heaven, for a stale morsel you may get tossed from Washington. Christ protects all of His children, and in heaven you are the majority! In heaven the majority is unanimous! That's why you need to obey Christ, and stick to preaching and praying. Those things actually change the world. Your vote in an election changes nothing. Why? because you always loose, if you are a follower of Christ. The haters of Christ always win. They are always the majority. It's not rocket science. Christ said if you follow Him the world will hate you, just like it hates Him (John 15:18-21). That's the way elections are set up, and that is why they are essentially evil. They are designed only to promote evil, because the majority who always win, hate your God and you too. Don't be fooled dear saint. You are hallucinating if you imagine that the evil system of Washington is derived from Christianity or Christian principles. Rule by the people and for the people, is always rule without God and in spite of God. It is inherently and essentially legalized godlessness by mob rule through majority vote. That's evil. That's an atheistic principle not a Christian one. That's raw humanism not Biblicism. Please learn to distinguish truth from lies, or you will perpetually be led down the new world order primrose path that Washington has it's sites on.
6. I urge all Christians to do all their voting in their prayer closets, and with their petitions lifted up to their Loving Heavenly Father. This does far more good than trusting in man and making the arm of the fleshly mob our support. Christ always cares for His people, and you have nothing to worry about in Washington. God is your true King, and He makes certain that all things work together for good on your behalf (Rom. 8:28). It is always a gross caracture of God to turn Him into the God of the voting box and the God of Washington. He is none of those things. He abhors them even though He allows them, just as He abhors sin and Satan even though He created them. We must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth, and the truth is what He says that it is. If you are His child, you have His yoke upon you, and His yoke is always easy and always light. The yoke that the ballot box places upon you, is always heavy and always burdensome. The ballot always removes and negates the rights of the losers. Voting always takes away the losers rights. That's its sole purpose. If you lose, tough, shut up and bear it. The will of the mob trumps your puny voice, always. That's what it is designed to do. When you lose, you lose all your rights in the matter at that moment. Eventually and ultimately every Christian right and ever Christian privilege will be stripped away entirely. That is the ultimate objective of mob rule, to eliminate God. We are rapidly nearing that time now, and we have all been voting for over 200 years! Our country was certainly blessed to have been favored with many righteous and godly people during it's formative years, but even then, the mob tried to eradicate Christianity by legislating provisions for all the false god, and all the false god worshipers. We became the land that was global the magnet for every cult and false religion on earth. The supposed religious liberty clauses were voted into law with the purpose of making it impossible to distinguish between various religions, true and false. The good Christians naturally voted for religious liberty thinking they were actually preserving their rights to worship God in freedom. It sounds good, but the moment it hit the voting box, all the deists majority won, and religious liberty as the Christians imagined it was squashed. What we ended up with is are all kinds of laws limiting your Christian freedoms, and requiring you to accommodate all sorts of non-Christians principles and to live with it and like it. How about requiring Catholic churches, or any church to pay for abortion insurance for employees. That's a great Christian ideal isn't it? How about the laws legislating how your children are allowed to pray at school, and how they are not allowed to pray. Is that Christian? What if you want your children only to pray out loud in the name of Jesus, and your religious view requires out loud paying 3 or 4 times during the school day? You child is forbidden to do that. That is the law. Is that Christian? What started out as a good Christian experiment called America, was sabotaged by the nature of the democratic system itself. Voting always takes away the rights of Christians, because we are always in the minority. The Desists and Pagans won in the early years, and for 200 years we have been loosing ever since. No wonder America has shifted from its half way decent foundational moorings, somewhat rooted in Christianity. 200 years of voting has almost completely extracted Christianity from the nation. It has already ejected us from any hope of ever winning any vote at all. Those are simple facts that anyone can see if they look and think about what they are seeing. It means nothing to brag about our 200 year old beginnings. That is ancient history, and because the beginnings were flawed in the beginning you and I are now loosing any meaningful place we might have in society. They have voted away. And still I hear preachers touting the wonderful freedoms of democracy. Democracy took away your freedoms, and you don't even know it.
If you are a Christian, your voting has cost you many of your rights already... prayer taken out of school, evolution taught as the state religion in the guise of science, laws being passed making your speech against homosexuality a crime, abortion on demand etc. Laws forbidding you to treat women as the weaker gender, in the name of sexual discrimination etc. When Christians support an evil system, and pretend that it is a Christian system; when we buy into the whole God and country civil duty routine; and when we continue to go to the voting booths faithfully for over 200 years trying to make things better and they just keep getting worse and worse; don't you think it is time to forsake all that stuff that cannot work, and jump on Gods program for changing the world? Doesn't that make sense rather than more of the same of fruitlessness? Doesn't that sound better than wasting your time losing more elections and becoming more embittered against the futility of politics and the failures of the politicians to advance anything even remotely Christian? Doesn't faith in God sound far better than faith in a voting box?
God tells us how Christians can change it all with a gospel that can turn the world upside down. God shows us that lives can be changed, and yes even whole nations and the world through the preaching of the cross, and the prayers of people of faith. Why then does the voting booth have any appeal at all to us? The voting booth seems right in our eyes, when it is actually very wrong for us as believers. Close your eyes to all else but Christ, and you will soon see the futility and foolishness of the things that men tout as being good. His way cannot be improved upon. And His way should never have been forsaken by his preachers in the first place. The people of light and truth, ought to recognize the lies and vanity of Washington in an instant. Washington serves the proud rich and feeds the greed of the elite. But there is no way that it glorifies God. Not at all. Christ's preachers have far better news to tell their parishioners than who to vote for. Come on? That is absurd. Prostituting our pulpits for the evil of politics is a disgrace. But I also think it may be a judgment from God upon our churches. In the Old testament he sent lying spirits into the mouths of the prophets, because that's what the people wanted. You deserve false preachers, and politics in your pulpit, if you prefer that to the truth and power of the gospel. You deserve it if you have yourself forsaken the Lord.
7. Christians are commanded to walk by faith and not by sight, and that is especially true when it comes to politics and social issues. We are to be the salt of truth in the world, and to maintain our savor, we must not think like the world thinks, act like the world acts, or do what the world does, in order to have a positive effect. Pragmatism destroys truth, because the means and the ends do not have to agree. The ends are the only thing that counts in the pragmatic system. Use whatever means you want to get to the desired end. Our salty savor comes precisely because we pray instead of protest; preach instead of organize and campaign; submit to God instead of our own wishes, likes and dislikes; and practice our Lords values, instead of trying to legislate them to others. The goal of positively influencing our society is not met pragmatically, it is met through the means which God has ordained Prayer and preaching coupled with lives that actually look like Jesus Christ. Voting is a pragmatic methodology to try to effect good. But that is not God's means to that end. You cannot improve upon God's systems, and when you try, you are actually rebelling, because you are saying that God does not know best. We are a positive influence in this world, only to the degree that we humble ourselves and submit to our Lord's sovereignty and grace. Human viewpoint, which does what is right in its own eyes, acting by the people and for the people; is far different than divine viewpoint, which transforms and renews our minds (Rom 12:1-2), so that we are "by the Lord and for the Lord". That is where our true power and strength lies, not in political involvement with the world. So if you are a follower of Christ, do not rush to vote for evil in a voting booth, even if it is the lesser of two evils. I have stated my anti-pragmatic view many times with this statement, and it is still true.
"It's never right
to do wrong
to do right".
I don't know who invented that, but it is very true. If the means are wrong the end will be wrong also. Get on your knees and actually shake the very core of society by praying to the only one who can actually make a difference....your heavenly Father. Do something that is really Christian, and that will really make a difference, pray, plead and preach. Preach Christ up and sin down. Lift Christ up and pray blessings down. Take your burdens, and the burdens of the land to the LORD. Trust all issues to God, and ask Him to do what is best, and you can rest assured that He will always do exceedingly abundantly above what you can ask or even think.
8. By refusing to vote, you show that you support Christ and not men, the government of truth and holiness, and not the pagan governments of this world. Not voting is really the only Christian thing to do, especially when faced with so many horrible candidates. Who wants to vote for cult members? I don't think that is a lesser evil do you? If a man believes that Jesus is the brother of Satan, why on earth would I ever vote for Him if I am a Christian? But right wing evangelical pastors all over America are telling their people to vote just that way, because Romney is a lesser evil than Obama. What? That is horrible. Are you out of your minds? Listen to yourselves? Preachers need to tell their followers to vote for God! and to go home and get on their knees in the real voting booth, in their closets, and start making a real difference! Preachers are supposed to remind us of our heavenly duties to our heavenly king, not about the wackiness in Washington! Preachers are ambassadors of the heavenly kingdom, not of the endless parade of foolish politicians. We certainly should not be telling our people nonsense like voting for a cultist who believes that Jesus and Satan are brothers! Come on? That's exactly why every Christian needs to step outside of politics and get on their knees, right on the real battlefield, and secure the victories that are in Jesus Christ. The real battles that need to be won are spiritual, and those simply cannot be won in Washington. Washington causes many of the battles that you have in today's godless world. And the politicians are not your friends even though they want your money and votes. Your nuts if you think otherwise.
Every church that has a pastor who preaches politics like that, ought to fire him! No matter what His reasoning if he is preaching politics instead of Christ, he has forsaken His true calling and needs to be banished from the pulpit! He makes a mockery of Christ if he says stuff like that, and preaches anything less than Christ and Him Crucified. Vote for real and genuine separation of church and state by not voting with the mob, and you will do far more good, and have far more influence, than trashing the principles of the gospel in order to get a particular candidate elected! Vote for separation of church and state and fire your pastor if he tries to tell you about who to vote for or not to vote for. He has lost sight of the great commission and has quit leading people in the spiritual exercises of faith and prayer, and has substituted human viewpoint for the viewpoint that pastors are supposed to have. Have a church meeting and do some voting right there in the body of Christ, where voting actually means something, when you vote in church, the majority might actually be Christians, unless your in an apostate church. Oust Him. He is a devil and not a man of God if he has prostituted your pulpit for politics. This needs to happen all over America. If preachers do not know who is in control of the universe? Then they should be canned and placed in the unemployment lines, because they do not deserve a job in any spiritual capacity till they repent. Then see which way they will vote? When they are all collecting food stamps and unemployment checks they will rapidly change their tune about politics.
Be consistent with your faith, and show the world that you trust in God and not the bozo's in Washington. Expect your pastors and spiritual leaders to do the same. Hold them to the highest standard of truth, and to the standard of the sovereignty of God. God answers prayers, and that is what their business and ours should be. Ballot boxes have never influenced God, because prayer was ordained for that purpose, and prayer alone. God will provide exactly what every American Christian needs, and we do not need to join the mob and endorse their false ethics by participating in their pagan voting rituals. God hears and answers our prayers doesn't He? When we pray we actually move the hand that moves the world. Is that not true? Then why are you wasting your time worrying about getting people to vote for particular candidates? Which is better prayer or voting? Which actually does some good, prayer or voting? Which has real power to effect positive change: praying or voting?
In over 200 years of American voting, our country just keeps getting worse and worse. That ought to tell you by itself, that voting and mob rule does not work. The facts show that voting, candidates, politics, and political agendas do nothing of an lasting positive nature. Instead they are making things worse, with each passing election. That is the plain reality. If you think elections have made America a better place, you are living in la la land and not in reality! That's why Christians need to stop buying into all that political nonsense. We are not a moral majority, and we never will be. We are an insignificant minority who have no hope at all, other than Gospel hope and the power of a resurrected All-powerful Lord. The mob wants to bully you, and that's what they do the minute the win. Those are the facts. Wake up and smell the roses dear Christian. You will never influence Washington using Washington's bogus system of "By the people and for the people", and that is because the people are always wrong! The people are always against God. The people love darkness rather than light. The people voted to crucify the only perfect man who ever set foot on earth! The Bible clearly tells you that stuff. And you should know all that. Wake up! If you are a Christian, your hope lies in these words "If God is for us who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31). You have no other hope in this evil word but those words. If God is not for you, you be in big trouble! But if God is for you, nothing can be against you, including the voting booth mob.
You are a minority if you are in the narrow way. Don't fool yourself into thinking otherwise. It has always been this way, and God has ordained it to be so. Many are in the way of destruction and few are in the way of life. The majority are Godless and hate Him, and only few are actually saved. That's the reality. That means that the voting booth is always stacked against you. They hate you, and your God, and they will vote you right out of existence if they could. That is why, you must out-vote them in heaven. Your usefulness on earth, comes from your involvement at the throne of grace. It does not come through candidates and Washington. The sooner Christians realize this, the sooner we can stop looking like fools before the watching world, and start praying for God to open up the ground and swallow them if they do not repent.
I heard a foolish pastor tell his people all about their moral and civic responsibility to vote, by telling them something like "if you don't vote, you are actually casting a vote for the other guy!" That is absolute nonsense. If you don't vote, you are not voting for either depraved candidate. If you do vote however, you are always voting for evil to trump good. We need to pray some of those people right out of office and right into hell, and then things will change in Washington. The problem with us Christians is that we don't ask God to send the judgement that He is righteously capable and entitled to send. Instead of just asking God to bless the people who defy and hate Him, why don't you start asking God show them who He really is, and to start judging them? When judgments start increasing on our country in greater and more powerful ways, because the faithful are beseeching God to take care of business without human means, then stuff will start to happen. This is clearly a Biblical concept and it has been applied by Christians throughout history. This is actually part of your duty as a Christian. Elijah prayed and shut up the rain from heaven for three years causing the death of thousands in a horrific famine. But then God got some peoples attention! And things radically changed because Elijah quit praying for blessings and started praying for judgments. That's what Christians need to began doing en-mass. Pray for God's judgement on the wicked and the godless country in which you live. That does a lot more good than the voting booth mentality. And guess what? That is absolutely Biblical! And it is also powerful. Without repentance there is never any national healing (1Chron. 7:14). Pray for God to send some judgements to get the attention of the people in Washington. Maybe some of them will repent? That's what you are supposed to do! You are salt remember? Salt stings! Salt purifies! Salt preserves! Get on your knees and start being salty then! Whatever God does is far more perfect and far better than anything you can accomplish by using political means. The ballot box kills far more people than Christians on their knees...i.e. case in point ABORTION! We voted for it, if we voted at all. And that my friends is horrific! So get on your knees and pray for God to stop these bastards, before they put armed marshal's in your churches to monitor your pastors, the same way they monitor all the rest of your speech on the internet. If you vote, you are voting to have all Christian freedoms and decent human rights removed. You are voting for genocide, euthanasia, and the loss of all your rights, because those are the things which will eventually come from the godless majority, when they decide to put it on the ballot.
Alan Burns said this in 1926, and I think it is appropriate in 2012.
"Ballots and bayonets are logically united: the ballot is the means whereby the majority makes
law for the minority; and the bayonet is the weapon whereby the strong make law
for the weak. You can no more preach the gospel with a ballot than you can with the
point of a bayonet, but if as a citizen you claim the privilege of using the former do not
be surprised if your fellow-citizens expect you to face the duty of employing the latter".
Ballots and bayonets go together, and if you have the one, you might find yourself at the point of the other. Voting will be what causes Christians to again suffer persecution in this country. They will out-vote us till we are at the end of their bayonets! Or they will out-vote us until we are required to point those bayonets at our loved ones ourselves. The choice is yours if you want to continue to prefer the ballot box over the prayer closet.
is a brief essay on
Why Christians should be non-voting and non-political
By Earl Jackson.
Judges 17:6 In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.
Judges 21:25 In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.
Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.
These verses perfectly describe the American system. It is a system that shuns a king, and in fact shuns sovereign rule of any kind in favor of a so-called "by the people and for the people" form of mob-ocracy. The mob voice is better than the voice of a benevolent king, so we rule by ballot instead of by truth and justice. We rule by democracy instead of by Theocracy. We rule by human wisdom instead of Divine wisdom, and our government is Man-ocracy instead of God-ocracy. Mob rule is the same as "the majority wins". This is exactly what we have in Washington and in American politics. It is the American system in a nutshell. What is right in the eyes of the people wins over what is right in the eyes of God. The two systems are antagonistic, and that is why America is not now, nor ever has been, a Christian country. We are exactly the opposite of a Christian country, and always have been. We are a pagan land where might means right, and power and money are the real gods that are worshiped and served. "By the people and for the people" always means: "without God and in spite of God". It can mean nothing less than that, because all people hate God and prefer darkness. Thats what being fallen creatures means. Since the majority of the mob are lost, the minority always forfeit their rights to them. Might means right equals Christians always lose and sinners always win.
The voting box protects our right to be self-centered and godless, and removes our right to be ruled by God in Theocracy, because mob-rule always takes precedence over righteousness. The people want what's right in their own eyes, and do not want whats right in the eyes of God, and that is the inherent flaw in democracy. If many people are running down the broad road that leads to destruction, and few people are entering in at the straight gate that leads to everlasting life, then who do you think is going to win at the ballot box? The majority of course! That is the reason why democracy at is core, is an anti-God and anti-Christian system. God does not govern the universe based on the rights of the mob. He governs based on true righteousness and holiness. The mob is in rebellion against Him. That's what sin is. God's people are always in the minority, and always lose under a ballot box government. Why we imagine otherwise is beyond comprehension? The fact is that the minority always lose at the ballot box. That's what the whole system is designed to do! The godless win and the righteous lose. The majority rules. The minority submits to the majority. Good Christians supporting the system, and imagining that it is their duty toward God and country, do not change the fact that they will always loose in any general governmental election. Evil people and programs will always prevail under any system of majority rule. Those are plain facts, and those facts alone should convince you that the system is not Christian, it is against Christians. That's plenty of reason to not buy into all that God and country civic duty bull. That is plenty of reason for Christians never to vote.
I am not suggesting either, that America replace its system of government in the manner of the Dominionists, and try to form a Theocratic Kingdom here on earth. I am against Theocratic Kingdoms on earth, and so is God. That is why there are none. God is against them! God's Kingdom is in Heaven, and He does not require any kingdom on a doomed planet. That system (Dominionism, Christianized Washington) is also a system of folly, because the actual Theocratic kingdom, the God-ocracy, is not of this world, and is not in this world. The kingdoms of this world are not the kingdoms of our God, and it is not His intention, and never was His intention, that they should be. This was one of the the great errors of Calvin, Luther, and the Puritans. They believed God wanted Christian government. Our citizenship, at least as far as Christians are concerned, is in heaven. God rules on high not in Washington!, not in Rome, and not in Jerusalem, and certainly not in Geneva! From heaven, however He rules over all things, completely and perfectly!
What I am suggesting therefore, is that Christians start speaking the truth that God speaks, and start realizing that the governments of earth exist simply to prevent chaos and to suppress depraved human behavior until the time of Christ's return when this world, and the governments in it shall be burned up with unquenchable fire. Governments serve God by protecting society from the ravages of moral depravity, until the time that they will be judged. They do this involuntarily and unbeknown to themselves. Government protects men from themselves, and that makes it a benevolent provision which God has ordained, till the time when He finally eliminates all of them but His own. Government protects you to some extent from the ravages of the savages, by locking up the molesters, rapists and murderers, and by keeping the barbarian hordes from invading your country. God protects society in spite of the voting box, by consistently overruling it as He sees fit. But in the end, all governments but His shall be removed.
Proverbs 16:33 The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD.
That verse means that you as a Christian need never worry about casting a vote in the box because your vote is counted above the box. Not in the box, but above the box! Not in the world, but above the world! That is where the real voting takes place, and where the real government exists which is the God-ocracy, Theocracy, which I mentioned at the beginning.
God establishes the rule of all nations (regardless of the type of human government); as His own provision to show His own goodness to the citizens of this planet, until the time that the world shall be destroyed. All citizens of all governments are therefore commanded to submit to this form of Divine benevolence, in order to protect society from itself! Anarchy and resistance is thus forbidden. And it does not even matter if a tyrannical dictator is ruling over you, your resistance is forbidden! Clearly forbidden and absolutely forbidden. You are command to honor the king, and to pray for all those in authority. Jesus did not resist, the apostles did not resist, the martyrs did not resist. In whatever state we are in, good or bad, we are expected to be contented (Phil. 4:11; 1Tim. 6:8). Christ is the agent of our contentment, not the agent of unrest. Christians are supposed to be contented in this world, even if they have nothing, and even if dictators like Herod, Caesar or Hitler are in power! This does not mean we have to agree with them, or endorse any form of godlessness. But it does mean we are commanded to render unto them whatever is due to them by law and by virtue of their rule over us. Anarchy and rebellion, hatred and intolerance, political activism and love of this world, are never permissible for Christians. Christians are in the world but not of it. And our attitude should be one of complete ambivalence and separation from the world. Yet we must never deny our faith. It could come down to us being fed to lions, or being horribly persecuted, and if they kill us, so be it, they send us to heaven quicker. But we must never revolt and lead marches or riot in the streets. That is what the world does, but that is not what Christians are supposed to do. That may have been what Martin Luther King did, and what Jessie Jackson does, but that is never what Christians are supposed to do. No verse in the Bible allows us, or commands us, or even permits us, to be concerned at all with the politics of this world. Our treasures are all laid up in heaven, and we have none here below. That's the way it is supposed to be. In heaven we shall all be rich. That's where all of our treasures are supposed to be. Our contentment and subjection to whatever happens here below is required of all Christians, because it is based upon the fact that we live by faith and not sight, and we obey what God says in spite of anything we may disagree with that happens in government. God says government is a minister from him for good (Rom. 13:4). The rulers are ministers of God, not of spiritual things, but of the sword and of justice in society. That's why we need to submit, because they are committed by God to the ministry of the affairs of sword and state, just like the church is committed by God to the ministry of salvation and mercy. Both have their place, and both are separate and different. This is the Biblical basis for separation of Church and state. That is a Biblical doctrine, not a constitutional one.
Rom. 13:3-5 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.
So what I am suggesting is simply the historic Baptist position. Baptist were the pioneers of the idea of separation of church and state, and we derive it from this Biblical concept that the state is Gods minister for sword and justice, just as the church is Gods minister for salvation and mercy. This is one of the historic Baptist principles which make us different from all other protestants. We are not like them in that we do not share their false confusion of church and state. We never endorsed such confusion, even though we share many beliefs with them. We existed before their protests against Catholicism, and we have many distinctives that are very different. In fact, the Baptist people were banished from the puritan stronghold of Massachusetts Bay Colony, for their resistance to the idea that the church was the state, an idea that the puritans pushed in the name of Theocracy. The puritans followed Luther and Calvin in the notion that there should be no difference between church and state, and that the church should in fact also be the state, so that Theocracy would in fact be the law of the land. This led to huge problems. In Geneva, Calvin, shamefully contributed to the death of a believer named Servitus, because he viewed the man as an heretic. In the American colonies, many Baptists were likewise killed along with the witches and others, because the puritans were enforcing theocracy through their identification of church with state. Every church that has ever been confused on this has wielded the sword in the name of theocracy, and heretics and the like have been killed sometimes in genocidal proportions, see the crusades for an example. Baptist have always been the champions, almost solitarily I might add, for the belief of separation of church and state. It is a historic fundamental precept of our faith. We should all be against confusion of church and state, but at the same time we should, at least as far as Christians are concerned, also be against the mob rule concepts idealized in the democratic principles of the ballot box.
Shame on the modern right wing evangelicals, many of whom call themselves Baptists, who are trying to Christianize Washington, and trying to turn Congress into some sort of a Church. That is blasphemous. It is also very non-Christian. Baptist's and all Christians for that matter, need to return to separation of church and state; and especially the men of God who are called to preach! Preachers need to quit lobbying, quit preaching politics, and exit Washington, and make a bee-line back to their pulpits where they can actually fulfill their Divine calling, and can actually do something that might change this world! You waste your time on politics, when God has called you to much greater things. Shame on you. You disgrace the Lord that bought you when you act just like the world, and think that ballot boxes move heaven or earth. Shame on you. You ought to take to reading the Bible instead of the federalist papers! You are a disgrace to Christ. If He called you to preach to the dying world, and instead you are embroiled in Washington's futile political agendas, you have prostituted your high and noble calling. What's wrong with you? Did God call you to preach and not give you any brains? Don't you know that time is short? Don't you know that Christ is soon to return? Don't you know that the capital building, and the white house, and Washington, will be burned up, just like everything else on this doomed planet? Don't you know that men are perishing? Are you ignorant of the great commission? Don't you know that only Christ and the gospel, can change wicked men and wicked countries? Then, get out of Washington, and start warning men to flee from the wrath to come. If Christ called you to preach, then do it. He calls none of His children vote, and He calls none of His children to politics. He calls all of His children to come out from the world and be separated unto Him. He calls all of His children to suffer for the kingdom, and to lay up their treasures in heaven above. Only cowards and unbelievers don't trust Him in all things, and those are the people who belong in Washington, the ones who trust only the arm of the flesh (Jeremiah 17:5).
I see good Christians every day in a quandary, and in emotional distress because of politics. It's quite sad. They imagine that they have to vote. Perhaps some ignorant preacher told them it was their duty to God and country. And when faced with the options they imagine that they have to "choose between the lesser of two evils" when they go to the voting machine. They know that the politicians are depraved people. All of them; democrat, republican, libertarian, socialist; they are all sinners, and very few of them even profess to be Christians, and if they do, they still support plenty of un-Christian policies. So how can we vote? Who do we vote for? Christians are worried and perplexed over this when they should not be worried at all.
If you vote for the lesser evil, out of a choice of many evils which seem far worse, what you are doing is endorsing the evil just the same! You are casting in your vote for an evil among greater evils, but it is evil none the less. How can you conceive of this as the Christian way? or imagine that it something Christians are supposed to do? It is clearly not the Christian thing to do? It is against Christ to vote for lesser evils, because all evil is the same. How can voting for a lesser evil, (adding it to the hundreds of evils already in our laws, and already among our legislators); how can that make society any better? or solve any problems at all? Voting for evil creates more evil! And there is no magic in the voting process that turns the evil into good. If you vote for evil men who hate God, how is this Christian? Yet Christians feel shamed into thinking it is their Christian civic duty and their moral responsibility to vote. Where can you find it in the Bible that Christians are supposed to vote for evil people or evil causes? If they are all sinners, (maybe some are saved), but if they are all sinners with sinful ideas, greed, lust etc., then why on earth would you want to endorse any of them if you are a child of God? Even if they are saved, they have to cave into the fact of the voting box and the immoral majority, because the majority wins, even in congress, even in the senate, even in the house and everywhere that a vote is taken. The few Christians that are among them always cave in to the mob that wins in the box. That's why after 200 years of voting, we get progressively further and further from God, truth and righteous judgment in this country. Evil pans out and wins in the voting box. It has to be that way, because the whole system is based on "might is right" rather than "right is right".
The Christian vote is always wasted, except in church where the majority are Christians! Yet voting for evil, and promoting the candidates who are the lesser of all evils, seems to many pastors and evangelical leaders to be just the thing to do. That's really a great Christian idea isn't it? Lets run to the voting booth and vote for the person who hates God the least! Lets vote for the person who is least like his father Satan! Yes, That's what our Christian duty is? Vote for the lesser devils, but not the main one! In doing that, we will be performing our Christian duty! This form of thinking is absolutely warped and twisted. I know non-Christians, complete atheists, who would not support such a dubious idea of endorsing lesser evils. Evil is still evil. Isn't it?
If you think like that, you are not thinking like a Christian at all. You are thinking just like Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, Combes and all the other people promoting Man-ocracy, and hyper Americanism. God does not tell you as a Christian to do anything at all like that. In fact He commands you to shun even the very appearance of evil (1Thess. 5:22). That means that voting for the least evil out of many is also wrong! If it appears evil, you do not vote for it. If it appears evil, you flee from it! If it appears evil, you take it to the voting booth in heaven and ask your Father to eliminate it. But you do not vote for it! That's actually the major reason why you should not vote if you are a Christian. And that's also a basic Christian principle known as separation. We are to come out from among the world, out from among the evil, and be separate. We are to "touch not the unclean thing".
1Cor. 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.
Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
This principle of separation of Christians from evil and too the Lord, has largely been forgotten. But it still clearly applies. We have forgotten many critical spiritual truths, because of our friendship with the world. Our love of Washington, Money, Power, and applause has caused many of us to sell out the core values of Christianity. Separation from the world is one of those values, and it clearly identifies us as being different. The world wants you to endorse this candidate or that on, and you need to tell them... "Sorry, but Jesus gets all my votes! Sorry, but I vote in heaven, where my vote is actually counted! Sorry, but I don't believe in evil, and I don't vote for it! Sorry, but My God supplies all my needs, and I need nothing from Washington!" That sounds Christian to me, and it sure makes more sense than hanging up ten commandments on the walls of a Supreme court that does not believe in any of them. Come on dear Christians. Now is a critical time. And whats so critical about it, is that you need to think correctly as never before, and quite misplacing your trust and your emphasis, and start working for what really makes a difference. Start working for heaven, and for God's kingdom, instead of the kingdoms of this world.
A friend of mine told me that he thinks voting and political involvement is part of the way that Christians engage with the world, and that preaching the gospel, praying and living holy lives in front of them is not enough. We have to actively be involved with them, engaging them on every level, social, political, work, school etc. We cannot reach people by being separated. We need to be involved. Politics is a sphere where we are required to participate and show our god given dominion and stewardship. That sounds well and good, but you cannot improve on God's system, and all these well meaning souls, who are actively engaging the world soon begin to act and think just like the world, and soon absorb their humanistic philosophies, right into their own worldview, until their form of Christianity is no longer Christianity at all. It is false doctrine, no matter how good it sounds. The principle of engaging society as they understand it means compromising the truth and watering down the practices of the church enough so that they become appealing to the general populace. This is clearly not Christian thinking at all. It sound good, but God knows and has specifically told us, that friendship with the world prostitutes Christian thinking turning us against God, rather turning them for God. "Friendship with the world, is enmity against God, and whoever would be the friend of the world is the enemy of God" (James 4:4). God knows what He is talking about, no matter how much somebody wants to imagine that playing politics is a Christian responsibility. It is not. Your responsibilities are to God first and foremost. And your view on political activism and involvement, needs to come from him, and not from some Bible thump-er on a campaign trail, who is concerned about getting someone elected or some agenda passed. Listen to God, not the mob.
James 4:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.
1Jn 2:15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
This forgotten Biblical principle of separation from the world mitigates against the notion that we should engage with the world in their activities, processes, ideas and even moral or social improvements. We are to be separate, and the way that we engage them is in terms of the great commission, which commands them to repent trust Christ and join us in the separated community of faith. The gospel is our only means of engagement. Either they believe and join us, or we will remain separate. But never are we supposed to join them in anything. Start thinking correctly here, or you will be swallowed up by the world you imagine yourself to be engaging.
When Israel entered the promised land, God commanded them to totally wipe out and extinguish all the ungodly people that were inhabiting the land. This was to ensure the purity and holiness of his own people. This was because light is to have no fellowship with darkness, and mixing belief with unbelief is forbidden by New Testament commandment.
2Co 6:14-18 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? 15 What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? 16 What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said, "I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17 Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you, 18 and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty."
Separation from the world is commanded by scripture for Christians, dallying and dancing with the world in the name of engagement is therefore not permissible, even though it has routinely become fashionable among this upbeat, progressive and engaging generation of worldly Christians. It's a sin... a deadly sin that has become accepted due to its own pernicious effects. When this sin is practiced it blinds our eyes to its own inherent sinfulness, and soon we began thinking that what we are doing is actually good, and soon we began others to partake in our adulteries with us.
Besides what I have already indicated, I also advocate for total Christian non-involvement in politics based on several things derived from the Scriptures.
1. God is in control, despite ballot boxes, and despite the humanistic "by the people and for the people" imaginary mentality. He is working all things after the counsel of His own will (Eph. 1:11).
2. Voting implies that the majority is right, when it is not (Matt. 7:14). And it gives them the authority, by majority vote, to have their cake and eat it too, to serve man and not God, and to always and perpetually put forward the will of the immoral majority, in order to ignore the will of the righteous minority. Voting endorses that system, which is designed to ultimately remove every last right from you as a follower of Jesus Christ. You think your rights have been eaten away already? Just keep voting! You are voting yourself out of all rights, when you vote for evil. Eventually the evil will totally win according to that system. It is anti-God, Anti-Christ and Anti- Christian by its very nature. That is what the majority is, and that is what the majority wants...evil! The Bible clearly says that the majority is wrong. God determines what is right. And Christians are followers of Him and they should always refuse to follow the crowd.
3. Christian government is an oxymoron. There is no such thing, and there is not supposed to be such a thing. That's why state and church must be separate at all costs, because a Christian state or any religious state, removes your right to actually be a Christian as you see fit. It substitutes believer priesthood for the priesthood of the state, and the perceived good of the people for the righteousness of God. The purpose of Government is not to be Christian, it is to govern society and prevent anarchy. It is the purpose of the church to be Christian, and not the state! That is why there is to be strict separation of Church and state. God does not save states He saves individuals, who happen to live in states. Christianity is about saving the individual, the state is about saving society from anarchy. If you right wing evangelical preachers keep blurring the distinctions between church and state, and keep pressing for a Christianized government, with ten commandments on the wall of our courts, and prayers in our congress and senate, you are actually destroying your freedoms to serve and worship God in the process, because you are giving your believer priesthood to the state. That's why now instead of real prayers in congress, we have Moslem prayer, and prayers which forbid mention of Jesus Christ by name. Prayers are limited to the nebulous all-knowing nothing, and what started out as actual Christians praying for the transactions of Congress, has been denigrated to prayer from all faiths and to no actual Gods in particular. When the state takes over praying, they mutilate it and rob it of it's efficacy. And when they eventually succeed in taking over all your Christian rights, your God will be turned into one of many idols. That's the mission of the mob. When you vote in any way under their system, you are voting them closer to the achievement of their mission to eliminate God from the world. A Christianized state will lead to the state legislating what you can and cannot believe, say and practice. The history of the reformation and the puritans, along with the crusades and the state religions of Europe, prove that this will always be the case. State religion removes Christian freedom to worship God according to the dictates of conscience. Always. It is inevitable. You think you are advancing the cause of religious freedom, by trying to Christianize the American system, and you are cutting your own throat in the process, and killing the future of religious liberty and Christian rights as you have known them in the past. When you think that the state is your savior and the protector of your religion, of course God is going to remove your right to worship. You have traded the Christian worldview for the state. You have traded simple faith for legislated morality. You are dead in the water every time you vote. It's a huge mistake. And I weep to see the misled preachers of America, taking up the flag and draping it over their Bible, as though god has called them to preach Americanism, and false democracy instead of the gospel. I weep and so should you because preachers who should know better have actually derailed and obscured the glorious gospel which is the only reason for our existence. We are to preach Christ and nothing but Christ. Shame on you preachers who obscure Him and glorify candidates and false ideologies. Shame on you! Preach Christ. That is the calling of the church. The world is dead, and your politics will never change that, but your gospel can! It's the only thing that can. If you think differently, then for God's sake resign your pulpit and become a lobbyist, but don't try to be both because you make a mockery of Christ. If you are so set on serving Washington and its dead ideals, then please get on with it, but not in church. You are required to behave yourself according to God's principles in His church which is the pillar and ground of the truth (1Tim. 3:15). Politics in any form is misbehavior in church, and you preachers ought to know that. Take it to Washington, if you think that is your calling, but every time you mention it in Gods church you disgrace the Lord who called you!
4. Christians are told what to do in the face of an evil society, and it does not involve voting for more evil! It involves praying for leaders and for those in authority, asking God to supply our needs. It involves preaching Christ in the evil society, because He is the only hope for men, and He is Gods only answer to all of earths problems. That's what Christians are commanded to do. It is called the great commission, because it is God's way of changing the world. That's why it is good news. We are not commanded to do that which is right in our own eyes, or to follow the shallow and humanistic programs of political movements and agendas. Too many Christians today resemble Rush Limbaugh, and other high profile activists, rather than the Lord Jesus Christ. We are not to be followers of evil men. We are to be followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we are to identify with His way and His truth exclusively, and not with the ways and ideologies of the world, which always exclude Him.
5. Politics and politicking, cannot protect any of your rights as a Christian. That is your Lords job, and it is also His promise. Don't trade the Theocracy that you have in heaven, for a stale morsel you may get tossed from Washington. Christ protects all of His children, and in heaven you are the majority! In heaven the majority is unanimous! That's why you need to obey Christ, and stick to preaching and praying. Those things actually change the world. Your vote in an election changes nothing. Why? because you always loose, if you are a follower of Christ. The haters of Christ always win. They are always the majority. It's not rocket science. Christ said if you follow Him the world will hate you, just like it hates Him (John 15:18-21). That's the way elections are set up, and that is why they are essentially evil. They are designed only to promote evil, because the majority who always win, hate your God and you too. Don't be fooled dear saint. You are hallucinating if you imagine that the evil system of Washington is derived from Christianity or Christian principles. Rule by the people and for the people, is always rule without God and in spite of God. It is inherently and essentially legalized godlessness by mob rule through majority vote. That's evil. That's an atheistic principle not a Christian one. That's raw humanism not Biblicism. Please learn to distinguish truth from lies, or you will perpetually be led down the new world order primrose path that Washington has it's sites on.
6. I urge all Christians to do all their voting in their prayer closets, and with their petitions lifted up to their Loving Heavenly Father. This does far more good than trusting in man and making the arm of the fleshly mob our support. Christ always cares for His people, and you have nothing to worry about in Washington. God is your true King, and He makes certain that all things work together for good on your behalf (Rom. 8:28). It is always a gross caracture of God to turn Him into the God of the voting box and the God of Washington. He is none of those things. He abhors them even though He allows them, just as He abhors sin and Satan even though He created them. We must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth, and the truth is what He says that it is. If you are His child, you have His yoke upon you, and His yoke is always easy and always light. The yoke that the ballot box places upon you, is always heavy and always burdensome. The ballot always removes and negates the rights of the losers. Voting always takes away the losers rights. That's its sole purpose. If you lose, tough, shut up and bear it. The will of the mob trumps your puny voice, always. That's what it is designed to do. When you lose, you lose all your rights in the matter at that moment. Eventually and ultimately every Christian right and ever Christian privilege will be stripped away entirely. That is the ultimate objective of mob rule, to eliminate God. We are rapidly nearing that time now, and we have all been voting for over 200 years! Our country was certainly blessed to have been favored with many righteous and godly people during it's formative years, but even then, the mob tried to eradicate Christianity by legislating provisions for all the false god, and all the false god worshipers. We became the land that was global the magnet for every cult and false religion on earth. The supposed religious liberty clauses were voted into law with the purpose of making it impossible to distinguish between various religions, true and false. The good Christians naturally voted for religious liberty thinking they were actually preserving their rights to worship God in freedom. It sounds good, but the moment it hit the voting box, all the deists majority won, and religious liberty as the Christians imagined it was squashed. What we ended up with is are all kinds of laws limiting your Christian freedoms, and requiring you to accommodate all sorts of non-Christians principles and to live with it and like it. How about requiring Catholic churches, or any church to pay for abortion insurance for employees. That's a great Christian ideal isn't it? How about the laws legislating how your children are allowed to pray at school, and how they are not allowed to pray. Is that Christian? What if you want your children only to pray out loud in the name of Jesus, and your religious view requires out loud paying 3 or 4 times during the school day? You child is forbidden to do that. That is the law. Is that Christian? What started out as a good Christian experiment called America, was sabotaged by the nature of the democratic system itself. Voting always takes away the rights of Christians, because we are always in the minority. The Desists and Pagans won in the early years, and for 200 years we have been loosing ever since. No wonder America has shifted from its half way decent foundational moorings, somewhat rooted in Christianity. 200 years of voting has almost completely extracted Christianity from the nation. It has already ejected us from any hope of ever winning any vote at all. Those are simple facts that anyone can see if they look and think about what they are seeing. It means nothing to brag about our 200 year old beginnings. That is ancient history, and because the beginnings were flawed in the beginning you and I are now loosing any meaningful place we might have in society. They have voted away. And still I hear preachers touting the wonderful freedoms of democracy. Democracy took away your freedoms, and you don't even know it.
If you are a Christian, your voting has cost you many of your rights already... prayer taken out of school, evolution taught as the state religion in the guise of science, laws being passed making your speech against homosexuality a crime, abortion on demand etc. Laws forbidding you to treat women as the weaker gender, in the name of sexual discrimination etc. When Christians support an evil system, and pretend that it is a Christian system; when we buy into the whole God and country civil duty routine; and when we continue to go to the voting booths faithfully for over 200 years trying to make things better and they just keep getting worse and worse; don't you think it is time to forsake all that stuff that cannot work, and jump on Gods program for changing the world? Doesn't that make sense rather than more of the same of fruitlessness? Doesn't that sound better than wasting your time losing more elections and becoming more embittered against the futility of politics and the failures of the politicians to advance anything even remotely Christian? Doesn't faith in God sound far better than faith in a voting box?
God tells us how Christians can change it all with a gospel that can turn the world upside down. God shows us that lives can be changed, and yes even whole nations and the world through the preaching of the cross, and the prayers of people of faith. Why then does the voting booth have any appeal at all to us? The voting booth seems right in our eyes, when it is actually very wrong for us as believers. Close your eyes to all else but Christ, and you will soon see the futility and foolishness of the things that men tout as being good. His way cannot be improved upon. And His way should never have been forsaken by his preachers in the first place. The people of light and truth, ought to recognize the lies and vanity of Washington in an instant. Washington serves the proud rich and feeds the greed of the elite. But there is no way that it glorifies God. Not at all. Christ's preachers have far better news to tell their parishioners than who to vote for. Come on? That is absurd. Prostituting our pulpits for the evil of politics is a disgrace. But I also think it may be a judgment from God upon our churches. In the Old testament he sent lying spirits into the mouths of the prophets, because that's what the people wanted. You deserve false preachers, and politics in your pulpit, if you prefer that to the truth and power of the gospel. You deserve it if you have yourself forsaken the Lord.
7. Christians are commanded to walk by faith and not by sight, and that is especially true when it comes to politics and social issues. We are to be the salt of truth in the world, and to maintain our savor, we must not think like the world thinks, act like the world acts, or do what the world does, in order to have a positive effect. Pragmatism destroys truth, because the means and the ends do not have to agree. The ends are the only thing that counts in the pragmatic system. Use whatever means you want to get to the desired end. Our salty savor comes precisely because we pray instead of protest; preach instead of organize and campaign; submit to God instead of our own wishes, likes and dislikes; and practice our Lords values, instead of trying to legislate them to others. The goal of positively influencing our society is not met pragmatically, it is met through the means which God has ordained Prayer and preaching coupled with lives that actually look like Jesus Christ. Voting is a pragmatic methodology to try to effect good. But that is not God's means to that end. You cannot improve upon God's systems, and when you try, you are actually rebelling, because you are saying that God does not know best. We are a positive influence in this world, only to the degree that we humble ourselves and submit to our Lord's sovereignty and grace. Human viewpoint, which does what is right in its own eyes, acting by the people and for the people; is far different than divine viewpoint, which transforms and renews our minds (Rom 12:1-2), so that we are "by the Lord and for the Lord". That is where our true power and strength lies, not in political involvement with the world. So if you are a follower of Christ, do not rush to vote for evil in a voting booth, even if it is the lesser of two evils. I have stated my anti-pragmatic view many times with this statement, and it is still true.
"It's never right
to do wrong
to do right".
I don't know who invented that, but it is very true. If the means are wrong the end will be wrong also. Get on your knees and actually shake the very core of society by praying to the only one who can actually make a difference....your heavenly Father. Do something that is really Christian, and that will really make a difference, pray, plead and preach. Preach Christ up and sin down. Lift Christ up and pray blessings down. Take your burdens, and the burdens of the land to the LORD. Trust all issues to God, and ask Him to do what is best, and you can rest assured that He will always do exceedingly abundantly above what you can ask or even think.
8. By refusing to vote, you show that you support Christ and not men, the government of truth and holiness, and not the pagan governments of this world. Not voting is really the only Christian thing to do, especially when faced with so many horrible candidates. Who wants to vote for cult members? I don't think that is a lesser evil do you? If a man believes that Jesus is the brother of Satan, why on earth would I ever vote for Him if I am a Christian? But right wing evangelical pastors all over America are telling their people to vote just that way, because Romney is a lesser evil than Obama. What? That is horrible. Are you out of your minds? Listen to yourselves? Preachers need to tell their followers to vote for God! and to go home and get on their knees in the real voting booth, in their closets, and start making a real difference! Preachers are supposed to remind us of our heavenly duties to our heavenly king, not about the wackiness in Washington! Preachers are ambassadors of the heavenly kingdom, not of the endless parade of foolish politicians. We certainly should not be telling our people nonsense like voting for a cultist who believes that Jesus and Satan are brothers! Come on? That's exactly why every Christian needs to step outside of politics and get on their knees, right on the real battlefield, and secure the victories that are in Jesus Christ. The real battles that need to be won are spiritual, and those simply cannot be won in Washington. Washington causes many of the battles that you have in today's godless world. And the politicians are not your friends even though they want your money and votes. Your nuts if you think otherwise.
Every church that has a pastor who preaches politics like that, ought to fire him! No matter what His reasoning if he is preaching politics instead of Christ, he has forsaken His true calling and needs to be banished from the pulpit! He makes a mockery of Christ if he says stuff like that, and preaches anything less than Christ and Him Crucified. Vote for real and genuine separation of church and state by not voting with the mob, and you will do far more good, and have far more influence, than trashing the principles of the gospel in order to get a particular candidate elected! Vote for separation of church and state and fire your pastor if he tries to tell you about who to vote for or not to vote for. He has lost sight of the great commission and has quit leading people in the spiritual exercises of faith and prayer, and has substituted human viewpoint for the viewpoint that pastors are supposed to have. Have a church meeting and do some voting right there in the body of Christ, where voting actually means something, when you vote in church, the majority might actually be Christians, unless your in an apostate church. Oust Him. He is a devil and not a man of God if he has prostituted your pulpit for politics. This needs to happen all over America. If preachers do not know who is in control of the universe? Then they should be canned and placed in the unemployment lines, because they do not deserve a job in any spiritual capacity till they repent. Then see which way they will vote? When they are all collecting food stamps and unemployment checks they will rapidly change their tune about politics.
Be consistent with your faith, and show the world that you trust in God and not the bozo's in Washington. Expect your pastors and spiritual leaders to do the same. Hold them to the highest standard of truth, and to the standard of the sovereignty of God. God answers prayers, and that is what their business and ours should be. Ballot boxes have never influenced God, because prayer was ordained for that purpose, and prayer alone. God will provide exactly what every American Christian needs, and we do not need to join the mob and endorse their false ethics by participating in their pagan voting rituals. God hears and answers our prayers doesn't He? When we pray we actually move the hand that moves the world. Is that not true? Then why are you wasting your time worrying about getting people to vote for particular candidates? Which is better prayer or voting? Which actually does some good, prayer or voting? Which has real power to effect positive change: praying or voting?
In over 200 years of American voting, our country just keeps getting worse and worse. That ought to tell you by itself, that voting and mob rule does not work. The facts show that voting, candidates, politics, and political agendas do nothing of an lasting positive nature. Instead they are making things worse, with each passing election. That is the plain reality. If you think elections have made America a better place, you are living in la la land and not in reality! That's why Christians need to stop buying into all that political nonsense. We are not a moral majority, and we never will be. We are an insignificant minority who have no hope at all, other than Gospel hope and the power of a resurrected All-powerful Lord. The mob wants to bully you, and that's what they do the minute the win. Those are the facts. Wake up and smell the roses dear Christian. You will never influence Washington using Washington's bogus system of "By the people and for the people", and that is because the people are always wrong! The people are always against God. The people love darkness rather than light. The people voted to crucify the only perfect man who ever set foot on earth! The Bible clearly tells you that stuff. And you should know all that. Wake up! If you are a Christian, your hope lies in these words "If God is for us who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31). You have no other hope in this evil word but those words. If God is not for you, you be in big trouble! But if God is for you, nothing can be against you, including the voting booth mob.
You are a minority if you are in the narrow way. Don't fool yourself into thinking otherwise. It has always been this way, and God has ordained it to be so. Many are in the way of destruction and few are in the way of life. The majority are Godless and hate Him, and only few are actually saved. That's the reality. That means that the voting booth is always stacked against you. They hate you, and your God, and they will vote you right out of existence if they could. That is why, you must out-vote them in heaven. Your usefulness on earth, comes from your involvement at the throne of grace. It does not come through candidates and Washington. The sooner Christians realize this, the sooner we can stop looking like fools before the watching world, and start praying for God to open up the ground and swallow them if they do not repent.
I heard a foolish pastor tell his people all about their moral and civic responsibility to vote, by telling them something like "if you don't vote, you are actually casting a vote for the other guy!" That is absolute nonsense. If you don't vote, you are not voting for either depraved candidate. If you do vote however, you are always voting for evil to trump good. We need to pray some of those people right out of office and right into hell, and then things will change in Washington. The problem with us Christians is that we don't ask God to send the judgement that He is righteously capable and entitled to send. Instead of just asking God to bless the people who defy and hate Him, why don't you start asking God show them who He really is, and to start judging them? When judgments start increasing on our country in greater and more powerful ways, because the faithful are beseeching God to take care of business without human means, then stuff will start to happen. This is clearly a Biblical concept and it has been applied by Christians throughout history. This is actually part of your duty as a Christian. Elijah prayed and shut up the rain from heaven for three years causing the death of thousands in a horrific famine. But then God got some peoples attention! And things radically changed because Elijah quit praying for blessings and started praying for judgments. That's what Christians need to began doing en-mass. Pray for God's judgement on the wicked and the godless country in which you live. That does a lot more good than the voting booth mentality. And guess what? That is absolutely Biblical! And it is also powerful. Without repentance there is never any national healing (1Chron. 7:14). Pray for God to send some judgements to get the attention of the people in Washington. Maybe some of them will repent? That's what you are supposed to do! You are salt remember? Salt stings! Salt purifies! Salt preserves! Get on your knees and start being salty then! Whatever God does is far more perfect and far better than anything you can accomplish by using political means. The ballot box kills far more people than Christians on their knees...i.e. case in point ABORTION! We voted for it, if we voted at all. And that my friends is horrific! So get on your knees and pray for God to stop these bastards, before they put armed marshal's in your churches to monitor your pastors, the same way they monitor all the rest of your speech on the internet. If you vote, you are voting to have all Christian freedoms and decent human rights removed. You are voting for genocide, euthanasia, and the loss of all your rights, because those are the things which will eventually come from the godless majority, when they decide to put it on the ballot.
Alan Burns said this in 1926, and I think it is appropriate in 2012.
"Ballots and bayonets are logically united: the ballot is the means whereby the majority makes
law for the minority; and the bayonet is the weapon whereby the strong make law
for the weak. You can no more preach the gospel with a ballot than you can with the
point of a bayonet, but if as a citizen you claim the privilege of using the former do not
be surprised if your fellow-citizens expect you to face the duty of employing the latter".
Ballots and bayonets go together, and if you have the one, you might find yourself at the point of the other. Voting will be what causes Christians to again suffer persecution in this country. They will out-vote us till we are at the end of their bayonets! Or they will out-vote us until we are required to point those bayonets at our loved ones ourselves. The choice is yours if you want to continue to prefer the ballot box over the prayer closet.
©2012 E H Jackson This article may be reproduced on Websites and blogs with a direct link from the article back to this website. It may not be republished in any other form without written permission. Please notify us if you use this article anyplace. CLICK HERE