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The Pastor and Church Page
Pertinent to preachers and their churches
Please note: articles on this website which are written by other authors besides Earl Jackson are for informational purposes only, and may contain ideas or doctrines that Earl Jackson does not personally agree with.
Please consult my current Doctrinal Statement if you need to know what I believe.
Please note: articles on this website which are written by other authors besides Earl Jackson are for informational purposes only, and may contain ideas or doctrines that Earl Jackson does not personally agree with.
Please consult my current Doctrinal Statement if you need to know what I believe.
I Can't Find a Church I agree with?
![]() This problem is more common than you might think. I receive hundreds of emails from people with just this struggle. Here is the answer I gave to one person who could not find a church home for his family. Sometimes it is our rigid doctrinal correctness that would rob us of the blessing of a church family.
Thoughts on the Meaning and Mode of Baptism
This is an 11,000 word Journal entry dealing with the subject of baptism. It is actually more exhaustive than some books on the subject. Baptists especially have a tendency to think they know everything that can be known about baptism. That unfortunate tendency keeps us from learning many of the most important truth on the subject. This is eye-opening and thought provoking material.
Please note: this requires special permission for any duplication or republication, so please do not put this article on any website without written permission. This is going to eventually end up in a book that is being written. . Gospel Preaching - What is it?
Most people, and even preachers have little or no idea about what the Gospel actually is. This is an important article, because it corrects many false assumptions, and shows how simple the gospel actually is.
The "Christ Has Two Churches" Theory
This Bible Study goes through every New Testament verse on the word "Church" to examine whether or not Christ has a Universal invisible church in addition to the local visible congregation of Baptized Believers. This is an interesting study, and it raises some questions about the Roman Catholic doctrines that the Reformers brought with them into the Protestant Reformation. The idea of a "Catholic or Universal Church" was formulated in the so-called "Apostles Creed" and remains even in "Reformed" churches. Learn about it here.
Notable Quote
The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary
so that the necessary may speak. -Hans Hofmann, painter (1880-1966) Music as Teaching Ministry
![]() This article examines some of the pertinent Biblical ideas which should govern music in church services. The primary element of teaching, exhortation, and edification is lacking in much church music, both traditional and contemporary. The article calls for a re-evaluation of the notions of "worship music" and "worship leaders", and suggests a more man-centered approach, which will certainly have some Calvinistic heads spinning. It even challenges the idea that the New Testament church is supposed to be primarily about worship and suggest that church is supposed to be primarily about edification.
Notable Quote
A friend is someone who reaches for your hand,
but touches your heart. -Author Unknown History of The English Baptists
The importance of "Understanding"
in the worship experience.
Worship is never to be unintelligible or incomprehensible. In fact the true goal of all worship is comprehension and the conveyance of doctrinal information which is able to edify or up-build the church. This is an important study even though it is short.
Ministerial Pride
A peculiar pitfall of the ministry is discussed, and this problem is more serious and prevalent than you may think. Every Godly pastor needs to guard against all the subtle devices of Satan linked to Pride. If you are a pastor. This is for you.
Beware of The Expository Preaching Trap!
Every pastor needs to read this important article about preaching methodology.
True preaching must be characterized by elements that are missing in almost all expository, verse by verse preaching.
True preaching must be characterized by elements that are missing in almost all expository, verse by verse preaching.
Why Can't We all Get Along?
Verses to help you answer this question.
Strong Speech Demonstrates True Love
Soft words and watered down speech seems to be the norm for presenting the gospel message today. But in most cases there is actually very little gospel actually being presented. The whole affair is designed to molly coddle the sinner, and make him feel good about himself. To present the happy side of Christianity in glowing and attractive words means that we never use harsh language, or scathing rebukes of sin. Old fashioned hell-fire and brimstone preaching is definitely out of the question. We are now much more civilized than that. Dialog has replaced diatribe, and "sharing" has replaced preaching. Homilies and sermonettes have replaced sermons and vivid descriptive language. Painting electrifying word pictures that captivate the imagination and mind has been replaced by slides and videos on a big screen. Theater has replaced theology. And churches are now houses of feel good entertainment, rather than holy places where men meet a Holy God. God has been reduced to one attribute alone...Love, and there is never anything about His retributive justice, His Sovereignty over all things, or His anger against sinners. In fact, in the modern pansy-fied gospel, there is no mention of sin at all? Smiling preachers talking about how God wants you to own a Mercedes, and live in a mansion, are far more desired than telling people the truth that they are on the road to hell if they do not repent. We have substituted lies for truth and vanity for doctrine, and we have wrung every ounce of life and vitality out of what is supposed to be the true gospel. There is nothing true about today's popular message, so it does not qualify as having any gospel content whatsoever. The time has come for preachers to start preaching so that sinners will actually start listening to something that matters. Silliness and sissyfication have no part in a genuine gospel ministry pulpit. Tar and feather the pantywaist preachers and get somebody who will stand up, speak up, and preach up the whole counsel of God, and not just the parts that tickle the ears.
Notable Quote
To have God on our side doesn't mean sailing on a boat with no storms,
it means having a boat that no storm can sink!
-author unknown
it means having a boat that no storm can sink!
-author unknown
Why sermons need to be preached
and not be pod-cast on the internet!
This article shows five good reasons why sermons should
not be broadcast on the internet, MP3's, Videos, Tapes etc.
This may shock some preachers who are infatuated by,
and addicted to, having their sermons broadcast digitally.
But preaching is a living event that happens in a live forum,
where the Holy Spirit is actually present, and not with
headphones and video appliances. There are sound
reasons why digital broadcasting is harming the church,
and is creating a generation of stay at home sermon critics.
not be broadcast on the internet, MP3's, Videos, Tapes etc.
This may shock some preachers who are infatuated by,
and addicted to, having their sermons broadcast digitally.
But preaching is a living event that happens in a live forum,
where the Holy Spirit is actually present, and not with
headphones and video appliances. There are sound
reasons why digital broadcasting is harming the church,
and is creating a generation of stay at home sermon critics.
Preaching as Miracle
Today we have many churches that do not know what real preaching is. We have accepted all kinds of substitutes for preaching in our churches, and because of it our churches are stunted, our gospel is powerless, and few if any miracles ever happen. Prophecy is one of the most important miraculous gifts to the church, and churches that do not have it, should be closed, because they serve no purpose other than as a club or party venue. Church is about one thing, "Preaching Christ"! So if that does not happen, board up the place and sell it to someone who will make a junk store out of it! Christ does not use a church that has no true preaching. It is waste of time, for people to attend a church, if they can learn everything at home, and on their own. Church is about a living encounter with Christ and the rest of His people in any given local. If He does not show up at church, then you have no reason to go there either.
Preaching - Is it the Word of God?
This is an article which could change the way you listen to the sermon this Sunday, or on every Sunday for the rest of your life. We are to receive the Word of God "with all readiness of mind" (Acts 17: 11). This is the revealed way that people are commanded to receive the Word of God. But what Word of God is it talking about?
Notable Quote
The devil will let a preacher prepare a sermon
if it will keep him from preparing himself.
-- Vance Havner
if it will keep him from preparing himself.
-- Vance Havner
Flesh-Pleasing Pulpit Opiates
by. J.A. James
This short articles exposes the fallacy and deadliness of any pulpit that does not preach the entire counsel of God, in favor of preaching what pleases the flesh and worldly appetites of the hearers. God deliver us from flesh-pleasing pulpits.
The Spirit of Slumber
This is a powerful sermon about a subject seldom heard. We need more eye-openers like this. The spirit of slumber is everywhere in today's weak version of Christianity.
Notable Quote
I believe that one reason why the church of God
at this present moment has so little influence over the world,
is because the world has so much influence over the church!
-Charles Spurgeon
at this present moment has so little influence over the world,
is because the world has so much influence over the church!
-Charles Spurgeon
What is the gospel? (Part 1)
It is shocking how many preachers don't even know what the gospel is. Yet it is the one message which we are supposed to be declaring in this world of darkness. How can we declare it if we don't even know what it is?
What is the Gospel?
Part 2
Notable Quote
The Church that is married to the Spirit of the Age
will be a widow in the next.
-Dean Inge (1860 - 1954)
will be a widow in the next.
-Dean Inge (1860 - 1954)
Pluralism and Toleration Examined
"Let Him Be Accursed". What does this phrase mean?
The Church in the Old Testament
The teachings of the Plymouth Brethren, known as dispensationalism had began to take hold in England during Spurgeon's ministry. This article by Spurgeon addresses the notion of the dispensationalist's that the church did not exist until Pentecost. Spurgeon viewed this as a heresy, and this article shows why.
Notable Quote
Oh, Beloved, if we are called to preach, we must believe what we
preach, or else we had better give it up! “I believed, therefore
have I spoken,” is a text which should be written over every
minister’s study door, and over his pulpit, too.
-C.H.Spurgeon 1893, Sermon #2297
preach, or else we had better give it up! “I believed, therefore
have I spoken,” is a text which should be written over every
minister’s study door, and over his pulpit, too.
-C.H.Spurgeon 1893, Sermon #2297
Non-doctrinal Fellowship?
Can two walk together if they are not agreed? Amos 3:3
The church does not
take directives from the world!
This short essay, concerns the alarming trend of churches tailoring
their ministries and methods after the opinions of the lost. They take
a survey of lost people, to find out what they think, and then they
devise a program which will be attractive to them, and not be in any
way offensive. This is a dangerous and dubious practice. Find out why.
their ministries and methods after the opinions of the lost. They take
a survey of lost people, to find out what they think, and then they
devise a program which will be attractive to them, and not be in any
way offensive. This is a dangerous and dubious practice. Find out why.
How can a person know
if he is called to the ministry?
Showing some things with certainty, and not relying on feelings, voices that speak to you,
or necessarily the urgings of others, this study seeks to remove the mysticism from a Godly call to ministry. This is 39 pages long.
or necessarily the urgings of others, this study seeks to remove the mysticism from a Godly call to ministry. This is 39 pages long.
Notable Quote
A faithful minister must see before he say.
Seducing Spirits and
Doctrines of Devils
Short study of 1Tim. 4:1
Notable Quote
The power that is in the gospel does not lie in the eloquence of the preacher;
otherwise men would be the converters of souls.
Nor does it lie in the preacher’s learning;
otherwise it would consist in the wisdom of men.
We might preach until our tongues rotted, till we would exhaust our lungs and die,
but never a soul would be converted unless the Holy Spirit
be with the Word of God to give it the power to convert the soul.
-C.H. Spurgeon
otherwise men would be the converters of souls.
Nor does it lie in the preacher’s learning;
otherwise it would consist in the wisdom of men.
We might preach until our tongues rotted, till we would exhaust our lungs and die,
but never a soul would be converted unless the Holy Spirit
be with the Word of God to give it the power to convert the soul.
-C.H. Spurgeon
Notable Quote
It is not so much great talents that God blesses,
as great likeness to Christ.
-Robert Murray M'Cheyne
as great likeness to Christ.
-Robert Murray M'Cheyne
Notable Quote
Unless we have the spirit of the prophets resting upon us,
the mantle which we wear is nothing but a rough garment to deceive.
We ought to be driven forth with abhorrence from the society of
honest men for daring to speak in the name of the Lord
if the Spirit of God rests not upon us.
the mantle which we wear is nothing but a rough garment to deceive.
We ought to be driven forth with abhorrence from the society of
honest men for daring to speak in the name of the Lord
if the Spirit of God rests not upon us.
Notable Quote
An unholy minister is the most dreadfully guilty, and
the most fatally mischievous person in existence! He is
a living curse, a walking pestilence, diffusing a savor of
death around him wherever he goes; from whom, as to
any voluntary association, every godly person should flee
with greater horror than from a person infected with the
plague. His name is Apollyon—his work destruction.
-John A. James (1849)
the most fatally mischievous person in existence! He is
a living curse, a walking pestilence, diffusing a savor of
death around him wherever he goes; from whom, as to
any voluntary association, every godly person should flee
with greater horror than from a person infected with the
plague. His name is Apollyon—his work destruction.
-John A. James (1849)
Is Entertainment and Amusement
Replacing Sound Preaching?
-C.H. Spurgeon
When it came to the centrality of sound Biblical preaching in church,
Spurgeon knew what he was talking about. One of the greatest
preachers the English language ever produced Listen to his brief
but poignant comments on this
Spurgeon knew what he was talking about. One of the greatest
preachers the English language ever produced Listen to his brief
but poignant comments on this
Notable Quote
Man will occasionally stumble over the truth,
but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on.
-- Winston Churchill
but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on.
-- Winston Churchill
Is Church Attendance
a Spectator Event?
-Darryl M. Erkel (1994)
This is not a long article. It was written way back in 1994, but is amazingly apropos for our day of the emerging church movement, mega-churches, and a completely new style of worship service, featuring spectator elements never before seen in church. Some modern churches are comparable to sporting events or theatrical venues. Rock and Roll, which was condemned by churches just 30 years ago has now almost universally replaced the hymnbook , choir and organ. Big Screens and theater seating, has reconfigured the sanctuary. This is not specific to the current emerging trends, because it was written before most of this newfangled stuff began invading the churches. This is a must read.
A brief and Simple Study on
Church Government
Churches seem to needlessly struggle with the problem of governance. It would be no struggle at all, if we simply followed the Biblical plan. But the Biblical concepts have been endlessly clouded by human inventions. Whether it be a top down hierarchy system like Rome's, a one man mini dictatorship like most fundamentalist churches, an endless parade of committees and boards for this and that, all these man-made things are doomed to difficulty. The Bible way is so simple it's scary. But it has worked for 2000 years, and it cannot be improved upon
Notable Quote
The state of the pulpit may always be taken as an index
of that of the church. Whenever the pulpit is evangelical,
the piety of the people is in some degree healthy;
a perversion of the pulpit is surely followed by
spiritual apostasy in the church.
-R.L. Dabney
of that of the church. Whenever the pulpit is evangelical,
the piety of the people is in some degree healthy;
a perversion of the pulpit is surely followed by
spiritual apostasy in the church.
-R.L. Dabney
3 Historic Views of Women in Ministry
The next 3 articles might seem offensive, divisive, backward, and hurtful to some people, and that is not the intention here. The 3 articles present 3 historic view of women in ministry. They are historic documents, and are being presented to show the three viewpoints. If you stop reading at the first or second article, you will miss the point entirely. By the same token if you read the third article, without reading the first two, you will not have the information necessary to make an intelligent decision.
The first view is a historic Presbyterian view. The second view is a historic Baptist view, and the third view is also a historic Baptist view, but it is substantially quite different from the first two views, both in tone, Scriptural reasoning, and in appreciation for the great work which women have always done in in Service to the Lord. While there is no doubt that technically all three views can be supported by Scripture, and by equally sound exegesis, and indeed all have been adopted officially by various churches throughout history; my personal opinion, is that the third view is by far the most Scriptural, sane and practical view of the three. I think it is the correct view, and that it merits extremely careful study. Mr.Gordon allows for the full and free operation of the Holy Spirit, and the ministry of the of the all the Spirit's gifts in women equal with men, but he stops, (and I think this is Scriptural) with the office of Bishop or Pastor. His view does not allow the ordaining of women to be Pastors of Churches. I believe his reasoning and exegesis on this subject is far superior to the first two view. But I'm presenting all three so you can make up your own mind.
The first view is a historic Presbyterian view. The second view is a historic Baptist view, and the third view is also a historic Baptist view, but it is substantially quite different from the first two views, both in tone, Scriptural reasoning, and in appreciation for the great work which women have always done in in Service to the Lord. While there is no doubt that technically all three views can be supported by Scripture, and by equally sound exegesis, and indeed all have been adopted officially by various churches throughout history; my personal opinion, is that the third view is by far the most Scriptural, sane and practical view of the three. I think it is the correct view, and that it merits extremely careful study. Mr.Gordon allows for the full and free operation of the Holy Spirit, and the ministry of the of the all the Spirit's gifts in women equal with men, but he stops, (and I think this is Scriptural) with the office of Bishop or Pastor. His view does not allow the ordaining of women to be Pastors of Churches. I believe his reasoning and exegesis on this subject is far superior to the first two view. But I'm presenting all three so you can make up your own mind.
Historic Presbyterian View -
Historic Baptist View 1
Historic Baptist View 2
A more moderate and still Biblical Baptist view. Here is a view from a man who was highly respected and of international influence at the latter half of the 19th century. A brilliant thinker, and pastor of one of the most influential pulpits in North America. My opinion is that this view is the most Scriptural, rational, and kind of the three view, and it seems to be the view which puts a premium emphasis on the Ministry and Gifts of The Holy Spirit in the New Covenant age. Please note, this article is a 15 page PDF file.
Notable Quote
If some men were sentenced to hear their own sermons,
it would be a righteous judgment upon them;
but they would soon cry out with Cain,
"My punishment is greater than I can bear."
- C.H. Spurgeon
it would be a righteous judgment upon them;
but they would soon cry out with Cain,
"My punishment is greater than I can bear."
- C.H. Spurgeon
Notable Quote
In preaching there is the need for an experience
of the power of the truth in our own souls;
if it does not dwell in power in us,
it will not pass in power from us.
-John Owen
of the power of the truth in our own souls;
if it does not dwell in power in us,
it will not pass in power from us.
-John Owen
The Myth of
Expository Preaching
Every preacher needs to read this. It is eye-opening.
This article points out that our Homiletics needs to be radically changed. Baptists should not use the system known as "Expository Preaching". This man made system of preaching is completely un-Biblical and this article shows why?
You may never preach the same again after reading this. Especially
if you prayerfully ask the Lord, Is this whats wrong with my preaching?
This article points out that our Homiletics needs to be radically changed. Baptists should not use the system known as "Expository Preaching". This man made system of preaching is completely un-Biblical and this article shows why?
You may never preach the same again after reading this. Especially
if you prayerfully ask the Lord, Is this whats wrong with my preaching?
Is My Church Worldly?
-David F. Wells
A short statement of some sure identifiers of worldly churches.
Notable Quote
Preach not calmly and quietly as though you were asleep,
but preach with fire and pathos and passion.
-C.H. Spurgeon
but preach with fire and pathos and passion.
-C.H. Spurgeon
Testing the Spirits
-author unknown
A short study applying 1John 4:1
Notable Quotes
Lord, help us who cannot preach to pray for the man who does!
Have you, dear Friend, who cannot preach, made a point of praying
for the pastor of the Church to which you belong? It is a great sin on
the part of Church members if they do not daily
sustain their pastor by their prayers!
-Charles H. Spurgeon, 1892, Sermon #2261
Have you, dear Friend, who cannot preach, made a point of praying
for the pastor of the Church to which you belong? It is a great sin on
the part of Church members if they do not daily
sustain their pastor by their prayers!
-Charles H. Spurgeon, 1892, Sermon #2261