The Health and Wealth Gospel in the Light of Haiti!
©2010 Earl Jackson All rights reserved
Pro 1:32 For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.
Two weeks ago, from the time of this writing, the island nation of Haiti, was stuck by one of the most devastating earthquakes ever to hit the western hemisphere. It is believed that the death toll, when the tally is finally in, will exceed 200,000. What a terrible tragedy. It is unfathomable to our minds, but up to three million people are actually, and directly, affected by this massive destruction. If it is unfathomable to us, who were given a few glances on television, think what it must have been like to be there and to have survived. Thousands, and tens of thousands, survived only to die a lingering , slow and painful death afterwords. No treatment for days upon days, many with amputations laying in the alleyways and streets, flies landing on their wounds, having freshly flown from the morgue where tens of thousands were piled in heaps, having been dumped there by dump trucks and bucket loaders. Human corpses were everywhere. The survivors, wandered in the streets, climbing over bodies, searching for bananas to eat. Looking for a sip of clean water. Feces and urine all over the streets, and many, especially children, wandering barefooted through it all. The sight is unbearable. Horrible beyond compare.
I was struck how smoothly the scenes of destruction and death, glided past our eyes on the internet and on television. And then we switched channels. Then we went to get another glass of tea. Then we adjusted the pillows behind backs, tossed a throw over our laps, and munched our chips and dip; as though the horror on the screen were a fantasy show. It’s nothing most people wanted to watch, so they simply changed the channel. This brought me face to face with another tragedy, maybe worse than what happened in Haiti. The tragedy of a puffed up and glutted society, where unparalleled prosperity and comfort is on every hand. A society of ease that is out of touch with reality, and out of touch with God. This I tell you is a worse tragedy, because it is the cause of the destruction of millions, maybe tens of million, maybe hundreds of millions of people.
God say’s “the prosperity of fools shall destroy them”. How we glibly watched Haiti, is the proof of our own destruction. As a Christian, I looked everywhere for the Christian response. I turned on Joel Osteen. I figured with America’s largest church, he would surely lead the way in setting forth the Christian response on television. But when I watched, I was baffled by what I saw. It was business as usual for Mr. Osteen. He didn’t even mention Haiti. It was “You are so good”, and “You are so wonderful”, “You have a Bible that tells you that you can be what you want to be, you can have what you want to have and you can do what you want to do”. “God is waiting to bless you, if you will only let Him, and if you will only start thinking right about yourself”. “God wants to give you the desires of your heart”. I got sick. Literally. It disturbed me so badly that I threw up.
Tell the orphan children in Haiti, God wants them to have whatever they want. Tell the mother holding her lifeless child in her arms, God loves you and has a wonderful plan to bless with anything you could ever desire. Do you need a new house? Don’t worry, sow a seed, and believe. Then, why don’t you name it with your tongue? Speak success and you’ll have success. Yes, tell this garbage to the people of Haiti. I'm sure that would make Jesus very happy. After all the people in Haiti need a new Mercedes, and surely God is waiting to deliver them one.
What kind of heartless and hateful drivel is this, at a time of momentous grief, suffering, death, woe, agony and pain? It was not just Mr. Osteen who showed his heartless, and callous form of Christianity. The Hal Lindsey report neglected it altogether, instead he talked about Israel’s new breed of remote control war vehicles, because, according to his weird slant on prophecy, God intends for Israel to be militarily supreme, and God is preparing them for their roll in the millennium. Guns, bombs, drone aircraft, and remote controlled tanks are certainly more important, are n't they Mr Lindsey? than a few hundred thousand Haitians who lost their lives in a instant? Yes, prophecy trivia should occupy our minds at a time like, isn't that right Mr. Lindsey? What is that all about? You’ve got to be kidding me? There were other famous preachers just a derelict, because they too, were too busy pursuing their own agenda’s. I heard at least a half dozen of them. All of the same ilk. Everybody was quick to point out the callousness of Pat Robertson, and his comment about Haiti having sold it’s collective soul to the Devil. But at least the man acknowledged the Haitian tragedy. These other so-called evangelicals, didn’t even mention what happened, or bother to lift a prayer for Haiti during their multimillion dollar television shows. What’s wrong with that picture?
We are not the same nation that we once were. We are a country which is enthralled with the individual. It’s all about me. What counts is what I have. That’s why I want more of it. Our American Popes don’t wear costumes of silk, gold filigree and funny looking hats. They look like our smiling next door neighbor, who happens to have a better job then we do. Our new breed of clergy preaches about blessing your check-book, rather than blessing your soul. How to get ahead in this world, and how to have your best life now. These new popes, are amassing millions, building empires, and teaching others to do the same. There is no social concern, because they basically don’t give a damn. The order of importance is… “me… my money… my comfort… my pleasure… my prosperity… my health… my possessions… my family… my work… and God gets 45 minutes on Sunday as long as the preacher makes me feel good about my self-esteem”. You may think I’m joking, but this is the pathetic state we have come to in America, all because of the health and wealth gospel. We no longer want a chicken in every pot, we want gold platters to eat it on, and palaces to dine in. It is our right. It’s the American dream. We want it. And nothing else matters. “The prosperity of fools shall destroy them”!
Speaking about this, to me, is sort of like barking up a tree, because nobody really cares anyhow. Think about it. Did you just click, push a button, poof, and change the channel while sipping your lemonade? If you did, then you too, have probably bought into this prosperity plague. If it streamed past your eyes, as smooth as silk, while you were doing your nails, or texting to a friend about going on shopping spree at Macy’s, then you are on the prosperity bandwagon yourself, and you are a part of the subtle numbing of America. This sin is of epic proportions, and nobody seems to be saying anything at all about it. It has gone on for so many years now, that we have all bought in, and all succumbed to the false doctrine that say’s: this is right, and this is the way that it’s supposed to be. Doesn’t it disturb you that your church has quit talking about sin, heaven, hell and the cross of Christ? Instead, it is telling you how to feel good about everything? Telling you how good you are and how important you are in God's eyes. So important that nothing else matters but your own welfare. Doesn’t that bother you? Do you really think this is the way it should be? Do you really believe that the path of life grows only posies and petunias? Do you really see everything through beautiful pink glasses?
This quest for more creature comforts, bigger bank accounts, better cars, fancier homes, bigger screens on our TV’s, more of everything to be received instantly, is a practical form of atheism. If we can have everything, then we certainly won’t need anything…especially a God who is “angry with the wicked every day” (Ps. 7:11). This has numbed us all, and dulled our senses to reality. We are just like the man whom Jesus mentioned who had barns overflowing with everything, so much so that he built new ones. “And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God” (Lk. 12: 18-21).
Think of this…our churches today, are glorifying the philosophy of materialism. We are telling everyone that they can be just like this rich man in Luke 12. All they have to do is follow the simple steps to more and better prosperity. We can all have so much more. And we, of all people, deserve it, because we are so good. God knows our hearts, and He sees what kind of wonderful men and women we are. He knows that we make mistakes, but if you sincerely try, that’s all that God expects. He doesn’t hold that against you, because he made you "very good".
This message is disgusting. It is one of the most hateful messages that people can ever hear. Hateful? You say, “how can it be hateful when it helps so many people get the best out of life, and to enjoy their best life now?” It is hateful because it is a message of pure deception. It deceives people into thinking that the here and now is all that matters. Hateful, because it tells you that when God looks at your heart, He is happy with what He finds, because He made you perfect. Hateful, because this is exactly the opposite of what the Bible says. When God looks at the hearts of men, what does He find? “And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Gen. 6:5). Nothing has changed. Man’s heart is just as desperately wicked now as it was then. “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies” (Matt. 15:19). “For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: all these evil things come from within, and defile the man” (Mk. 7:21-23). “For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another” (Tit. 3:3). “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: “There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one. Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips: Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: Their feet are swift to shed blood: Destruction and misery are in their ways: And the way of peace have they not known: There is no fear of God before their eyes” (Rom. 3:11-18). In the light of these verses, what right does any preacher have to set his own agenda, and to teach the direct opposite of what God says? Hateful pride says, “I don’t need to preach what God says. I am above all that. I want to preach what I want, and I want to tell my audience what they want to hear. This is shear rebellion, pride, evil intentions, and godless behavior. The sad thing, however, is that the American people have bought it hook line and sinker. Osteen’s books have sold in the tens of millions, and are always on the New York Times bestsellers list. And they are totally evil and hateful, because he disregards the parts of the Bible that he does not want to preach. I heard him say when asked if he ever uses the word “sinner”, that “God hasn’t called me to do that. He has called me to show people their good points”. When Larry King asked him if Buddhists and Moslems will go to heaven, He said, without apology that he did not know. But Jesus plainly said “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (Jn. 14:6). How can He not know that Jesus is the only way to heaven? This is plain evidence that he either, 1) does not read the Bible, or 2) does not believe what it says. Either case should disqualify him from any sort of pretended Christian ministry. He is not fit to assume any pulpit if he does not know that Jesus is the only way to heaven, not even a pulpit with only 5 people in the audience. Yet 60,000 people go to his civic-center church in Houston. What on earth is wrong with these people? They willingly support a preacher who has no qualifications to be a minister of Jesus Christ. He may be materially prosperous, but he is spiritually bankrupt.
This is the sad condition of spirituality in our churches. We will gladly hearken to a Christ-less gospel. We will flock by the tens of thousands to hear an apostate preacher tickle our ears about how we can get more of all the things that we want, because we are so good, and because God is our cosmic ATM machine, with unlimited funds at our disposal. This is the “prosperity of fools”. This is the prosperity that “shall destroy them”.
America has enough. Even our homeless here, have a lot more than the average person in Haiti. A few days after the earthquake, all the uproar was over Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien and the Late night TV wars. Well it is all settled now. NBC paid Conan, a mere 40 million dollars to get him off their channel. Think of the obscenity of that. The entire United States Contribution to Haiti, was only 100 million dollars, and here is a man who makes people laugh by telling jokes, which are not really that good, and we give him 40 million dollars when we fire him? This is disgusting and sickening. It shows how screwed up our priorities are in this so-called Christian country. I don’t see anything Christian about it. I think it is Babylon, Babylon the mother of harlots. It is certainly not Christian.
We don’t need more prosperity in America, we need more of Christ! We don’t need more money in our vaults, we need more Christ in our hearts. We don’t need to be telling people that at the judgment day, God will look at the good things they have done, and their sincerity, and will welcome them into heaven based on that. We need to tell them about how rotten they are, and how only Jesus can deal with their pollution and spiritual filth. We need to cast the charlatans, and disobedient preachers of pride, out of our pulpits. Get them out. They displease the Lord, even though they may please all of their eager hearers. Our churches have become a stench in the nostrils of God, because wealth has replaced worship. Self-esteem has replaced self-examination. Feeling good has replaced thinking truth. Alignment with the world has replaced “come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord”.
If the prosperity gospel, is not appropriate to preach to the poor people of Haiti, then it is not appropriate for any audience. And if it is not fit to be heard, then we need to make every effort to excommunicate it's perpetrators from the pulpits of this land. Don't listen to them. Don't buy their books and DVD's. Don't watch their multimillion dollar T.V. shows. Don't turn on their stations. Don't support them in any way. They specialize in damning souls by lathering the consciences of men with feel-good slippery words. The health and wealth gospel has got to go. It is evil beyond compare, because it is the Devil doing the very same thing that he tried to do to Jesus...offering us the kingdoms of this world and all their glory (Matt. 4:8; Lk. 4:5). Don't fall for his lies. Follow the Lord who immediately recognized him and his useless materialism.."Get thee hence Satan. For it is written, thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve". Yes, "The prosperity of fools shall destroy them". Has it destroyed you? Has it destroyed your church? If not, don't let it. Flee from this false gospel, like you were fleeing from the plague. It can only harm you. If you heed its cloven tongued message, you will end up worshiping Satan, because that is what he demands in exchange for the kingdoms of this world. Prosperity exacts an unfair and eternally damning toll. Beware. "What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"
©2010 Earl Jackson All rights reserved
Pro 1:32 For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.
Two weeks ago, from the time of this writing, the island nation of Haiti, was stuck by one of the most devastating earthquakes ever to hit the western hemisphere. It is believed that the death toll, when the tally is finally in, will exceed 200,000. What a terrible tragedy. It is unfathomable to our minds, but up to three million people are actually, and directly, affected by this massive destruction. If it is unfathomable to us, who were given a few glances on television, think what it must have been like to be there and to have survived. Thousands, and tens of thousands, survived only to die a lingering , slow and painful death afterwords. No treatment for days upon days, many with amputations laying in the alleyways and streets, flies landing on their wounds, having freshly flown from the morgue where tens of thousands were piled in heaps, having been dumped there by dump trucks and bucket loaders. Human corpses were everywhere. The survivors, wandered in the streets, climbing over bodies, searching for bananas to eat. Looking for a sip of clean water. Feces and urine all over the streets, and many, especially children, wandering barefooted through it all. The sight is unbearable. Horrible beyond compare.
I was struck how smoothly the scenes of destruction and death, glided past our eyes on the internet and on television. And then we switched channels. Then we went to get another glass of tea. Then we adjusted the pillows behind backs, tossed a throw over our laps, and munched our chips and dip; as though the horror on the screen were a fantasy show. It’s nothing most people wanted to watch, so they simply changed the channel. This brought me face to face with another tragedy, maybe worse than what happened in Haiti. The tragedy of a puffed up and glutted society, where unparalleled prosperity and comfort is on every hand. A society of ease that is out of touch with reality, and out of touch with God. This I tell you is a worse tragedy, because it is the cause of the destruction of millions, maybe tens of million, maybe hundreds of millions of people.
God say’s “the prosperity of fools shall destroy them”. How we glibly watched Haiti, is the proof of our own destruction. As a Christian, I looked everywhere for the Christian response. I turned on Joel Osteen. I figured with America’s largest church, he would surely lead the way in setting forth the Christian response on television. But when I watched, I was baffled by what I saw. It was business as usual for Mr. Osteen. He didn’t even mention Haiti. It was “You are so good”, and “You are so wonderful”, “You have a Bible that tells you that you can be what you want to be, you can have what you want to have and you can do what you want to do”. “God is waiting to bless you, if you will only let Him, and if you will only start thinking right about yourself”. “God wants to give you the desires of your heart”. I got sick. Literally. It disturbed me so badly that I threw up.
Tell the orphan children in Haiti, God wants them to have whatever they want. Tell the mother holding her lifeless child in her arms, God loves you and has a wonderful plan to bless with anything you could ever desire. Do you need a new house? Don’t worry, sow a seed, and believe. Then, why don’t you name it with your tongue? Speak success and you’ll have success. Yes, tell this garbage to the people of Haiti. I'm sure that would make Jesus very happy. After all the people in Haiti need a new Mercedes, and surely God is waiting to deliver them one.
What kind of heartless and hateful drivel is this, at a time of momentous grief, suffering, death, woe, agony and pain? It was not just Mr. Osteen who showed his heartless, and callous form of Christianity. The Hal Lindsey report neglected it altogether, instead he talked about Israel’s new breed of remote control war vehicles, because, according to his weird slant on prophecy, God intends for Israel to be militarily supreme, and God is preparing them for their roll in the millennium. Guns, bombs, drone aircraft, and remote controlled tanks are certainly more important, are n't they Mr Lindsey? than a few hundred thousand Haitians who lost their lives in a instant? Yes, prophecy trivia should occupy our minds at a time like, isn't that right Mr. Lindsey? What is that all about? You’ve got to be kidding me? There were other famous preachers just a derelict, because they too, were too busy pursuing their own agenda’s. I heard at least a half dozen of them. All of the same ilk. Everybody was quick to point out the callousness of Pat Robertson, and his comment about Haiti having sold it’s collective soul to the Devil. But at least the man acknowledged the Haitian tragedy. These other so-called evangelicals, didn’t even mention what happened, or bother to lift a prayer for Haiti during their multimillion dollar television shows. What’s wrong with that picture?
We are not the same nation that we once were. We are a country which is enthralled with the individual. It’s all about me. What counts is what I have. That’s why I want more of it. Our American Popes don’t wear costumes of silk, gold filigree and funny looking hats. They look like our smiling next door neighbor, who happens to have a better job then we do. Our new breed of clergy preaches about blessing your check-book, rather than blessing your soul. How to get ahead in this world, and how to have your best life now. These new popes, are amassing millions, building empires, and teaching others to do the same. There is no social concern, because they basically don’t give a damn. The order of importance is… “me… my money… my comfort… my pleasure… my prosperity… my health… my possessions… my family… my work… and God gets 45 minutes on Sunday as long as the preacher makes me feel good about my self-esteem”. You may think I’m joking, but this is the pathetic state we have come to in America, all because of the health and wealth gospel. We no longer want a chicken in every pot, we want gold platters to eat it on, and palaces to dine in. It is our right. It’s the American dream. We want it. And nothing else matters. “The prosperity of fools shall destroy them”!
Speaking about this, to me, is sort of like barking up a tree, because nobody really cares anyhow. Think about it. Did you just click, push a button, poof, and change the channel while sipping your lemonade? If you did, then you too, have probably bought into this prosperity plague. If it streamed past your eyes, as smooth as silk, while you were doing your nails, or texting to a friend about going on shopping spree at Macy’s, then you are on the prosperity bandwagon yourself, and you are a part of the subtle numbing of America. This sin is of epic proportions, and nobody seems to be saying anything at all about it. It has gone on for so many years now, that we have all bought in, and all succumbed to the false doctrine that say’s: this is right, and this is the way that it’s supposed to be. Doesn’t it disturb you that your church has quit talking about sin, heaven, hell and the cross of Christ? Instead, it is telling you how to feel good about everything? Telling you how good you are and how important you are in God's eyes. So important that nothing else matters but your own welfare. Doesn’t that bother you? Do you really think this is the way it should be? Do you really believe that the path of life grows only posies and petunias? Do you really see everything through beautiful pink glasses?
This quest for more creature comforts, bigger bank accounts, better cars, fancier homes, bigger screens on our TV’s, more of everything to be received instantly, is a practical form of atheism. If we can have everything, then we certainly won’t need anything…especially a God who is “angry with the wicked every day” (Ps. 7:11). This has numbed us all, and dulled our senses to reality. We are just like the man whom Jesus mentioned who had barns overflowing with everything, so much so that he built new ones. “And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God” (Lk. 12: 18-21).
Think of this…our churches today, are glorifying the philosophy of materialism. We are telling everyone that they can be just like this rich man in Luke 12. All they have to do is follow the simple steps to more and better prosperity. We can all have so much more. And we, of all people, deserve it, because we are so good. God knows our hearts, and He sees what kind of wonderful men and women we are. He knows that we make mistakes, but if you sincerely try, that’s all that God expects. He doesn’t hold that against you, because he made you "very good".
This message is disgusting. It is one of the most hateful messages that people can ever hear. Hateful? You say, “how can it be hateful when it helps so many people get the best out of life, and to enjoy their best life now?” It is hateful because it is a message of pure deception. It deceives people into thinking that the here and now is all that matters. Hateful, because it tells you that when God looks at your heart, He is happy with what He finds, because He made you perfect. Hateful, because this is exactly the opposite of what the Bible says. When God looks at the hearts of men, what does He find? “And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Gen. 6:5). Nothing has changed. Man’s heart is just as desperately wicked now as it was then. “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies” (Matt. 15:19). “For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: all these evil things come from within, and defile the man” (Mk. 7:21-23). “For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another” (Tit. 3:3). “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: “There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one. Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips: Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: Their feet are swift to shed blood: Destruction and misery are in their ways: And the way of peace have they not known: There is no fear of God before their eyes” (Rom. 3:11-18). In the light of these verses, what right does any preacher have to set his own agenda, and to teach the direct opposite of what God says? Hateful pride says, “I don’t need to preach what God says. I am above all that. I want to preach what I want, and I want to tell my audience what they want to hear. This is shear rebellion, pride, evil intentions, and godless behavior. The sad thing, however, is that the American people have bought it hook line and sinker. Osteen’s books have sold in the tens of millions, and are always on the New York Times bestsellers list. And they are totally evil and hateful, because he disregards the parts of the Bible that he does not want to preach. I heard him say when asked if he ever uses the word “sinner”, that “God hasn’t called me to do that. He has called me to show people their good points”. When Larry King asked him if Buddhists and Moslems will go to heaven, He said, without apology that he did not know. But Jesus plainly said “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (Jn. 14:6). How can He not know that Jesus is the only way to heaven? This is plain evidence that he either, 1) does not read the Bible, or 2) does not believe what it says. Either case should disqualify him from any sort of pretended Christian ministry. He is not fit to assume any pulpit if he does not know that Jesus is the only way to heaven, not even a pulpit with only 5 people in the audience. Yet 60,000 people go to his civic-center church in Houston. What on earth is wrong with these people? They willingly support a preacher who has no qualifications to be a minister of Jesus Christ. He may be materially prosperous, but he is spiritually bankrupt.
This is the sad condition of spirituality in our churches. We will gladly hearken to a Christ-less gospel. We will flock by the tens of thousands to hear an apostate preacher tickle our ears about how we can get more of all the things that we want, because we are so good, and because God is our cosmic ATM machine, with unlimited funds at our disposal. This is the “prosperity of fools”. This is the prosperity that “shall destroy them”.
America has enough. Even our homeless here, have a lot more than the average person in Haiti. A few days after the earthquake, all the uproar was over Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien and the Late night TV wars. Well it is all settled now. NBC paid Conan, a mere 40 million dollars to get him off their channel. Think of the obscenity of that. The entire United States Contribution to Haiti, was only 100 million dollars, and here is a man who makes people laugh by telling jokes, which are not really that good, and we give him 40 million dollars when we fire him? This is disgusting and sickening. It shows how screwed up our priorities are in this so-called Christian country. I don’t see anything Christian about it. I think it is Babylon, Babylon the mother of harlots. It is certainly not Christian.
We don’t need more prosperity in America, we need more of Christ! We don’t need more money in our vaults, we need more Christ in our hearts. We don’t need to be telling people that at the judgment day, God will look at the good things they have done, and their sincerity, and will welcome them into heaven based on that. We need to tell them about how rotten they are, and how only Jesus can deal with their pollution and spiritual filth. We need to cast the charlatans, and disobedient preachers of pride, out of our pulpits. Get them out. They displease the Lord, even though they may please all of their eager hearers. Our churches have become a stench in the nostrils of God, because wealth has replaced worship. Self-esteem has replaced self-examination. Feeling good has replaced thinking truth. Alignment with the world has replaced “come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord”.
If the prosperity gospel, is not appropriate to preach to the poor people of Haiti, then it is not appropriate for any audience. And if it is not fit to be heard, then we need to make every effort to excommunicate it's perpetrators from the pulpits of this land. Don't listen to them. Don't buy their books and DVD's. Don't watch their multimillion dollar T.V. shows. Don't turn on their stations. Don't support them in any way. They specialize in damning souls by lathering the consciences of men with feel-good slippery words. The health and wealth gospel has got to go. It is evil beyond compare, because it is the Devil doing the very same thing that he tried to do to Jesus...offering us the kingdoms of this world and all their glory (Matt. 4:8; Lk. 4:5). Don't fall for his lies. Follow the Lord who immediately recognized him and his useless materialism.."Get thee hence Satan. For it is written, thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve". Yes, "The prosperity of fools shall destroy them". Has it destroyed you? Has it destroyed your church? If not, don't let it. Flee from this false gospel, like you were fleeing from the plague. It can only harm you. If you heed its cloven tongued message, you will end up worshiping Satan, because that is what he demands in exchange for the kingdoms of this world. Prosperity exacts an unfair and eternally damning toll. Beware. "What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"