The Biblical Doctrine of
Total Unconditional Stupidity
A study in human depravity by Rev EarlJackson
Jer 10:14-15 Every man is stupid and without knowledge; every goldsmith is put to shame by his idols, for his images are false, and there is no breath in them. They are worthless, a work of delusion; at the time of their punishment they shall perish. (ESV)
Jer 51:17-18 Every man is stupid and without knowledge; every goldsmith is put to shame by his idols, for his images are false, and there is no breath in them. They are worthless, a work of delusion; at the time of their punishment they shall perish. (ESV)
Job 11:12 But a stupid man will get understanding when a wild donkey's colt is born a man! (ESV)
I think the doctrine of mans total depravity needs to be properly accentuated by this important doctrine of mans total unconditional stupidity. These two fundamental doctrines go hand in hand, and while the first is generally well affirmed, (at least in Reformed circles), the second is usually not even mentioned. Why is this?
I would go so far as to say that we tend to shy away from the important doctrine of mans total unconditional stupidity, (which actually stresses his total inability), because we have bought into the worlds erroneous concept that "there is a little bit of good in everyone". Is there?
The Pelagian view of man is that man is fully intelligent because he was created in the image of God. This is the world's popular view. And this is the view of most Christians, and theologians who preach tradition rather than the truth.
In contrast however, the Biblical view of man says: "There is no one with understanding; no one who seeks God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good no not one" (Romans. 3:11-12).
No one has any understanding by nature. That is a mental characteristic that comes only by grace. This is why God repeatedly refers to men as blind and deaf (Matt. 13:15). He says: "They have neither knowledge nor understanding, they walk about in darkness" (Psalm 82:5). God actually goes so far as to say, not only are they stupid and have no knowledge, but they "hate knowledge" (Prov. 1:29). "Fools hate knowledge" (Prov. 1:22). " Therefore they say unto God, Depart from us; for we desire not the knowledge of thy ways" (Job 21:14). "But unto the wicked God saith... thou hatest instruction, and castest my words behind thee" (Psalm 50:16-17). " For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved" (John 3:20).
The Bible does not endorse the false notion that man is naturally brilliant. In fact it says that while they claim to be wise they are actually fools (Rom. 1:22). Man is not intelligent. He is stupid. That's what the Bible says, and that is not a message which is at all difficult to understand. In fact I think even the most stupid of men can understand quiet easily what God means when He says: "Every man is stupid and without knowledge". That's so simple to understand that even the most stupid among us can grasp it. That's precisely why it needs to be an integral part of our message. God said it and so should we!
God does not praise those who worship other gods as diverse and broad-minded people, but he calls their religions worthless, and He says that because they hate Him, they are stupid.The idea that every person is intelligent, and deserves our respect and admiration, even if they are worshiping false Gods, is a horrible UN-Christian notion. It's actually quite hateful! It leaves the poor ignorant lost man, who happens to consider himself as an intellectual giant, with the idea that we admire his stupendous intellect and achievements! But God says that He is stupid, that He hates knowledge, that his false religion is idolatry, and that he is on his way to hell! Is it kind or loving to lead him on and lie to him like that? We should never in the slightest way condone mans sinful and idolatrous thinking. Sending the false signal that you, and God, approve of stupid people's intelligence, philosophy, false religions, godlessness, atheistic thought patterns, and hatred for the truth is a horrible and hateful thing for Christians to do.
Men are going to hell because they are stupid! And if you lead them on to think that there is something good in their religion, or in their godless thoughts; and you affirm the lie that there is something good in all religions, and that even people who reject Christ are still people of high intellect and morality; you are showing that you hate them, and want to see them go to hell! Because you would rather tell them how good they are, then how bad God says they actually are. You are not demonstrating Christian kindness, love and understanding, or any compassion at all. When you lather up the pride of evil people and tell them how wonderful they are, you are demonstrating that you want them to go to hell so much, that you are willing to withhold the truth about them, from them! . You should be ashamed of yourself if you do that. When you think like that, you are thinking just like them, and perhaps that is because you are not saved either? Maybe secretly you know that you are one of them, and that is why you persist in thinking so stupidly. You should examine yourself if you cannot wrap your mind around one of the simplest statements that the Bible makes anywhere..."Every man is stupid and without knowledge"! You need to learn to think and say what God says, instead of trying to improve it by glossing over it, or ignoring it, or trying to cover it up and change it. That is very wrong to do. And it is not something Christians should ever feel comfortable doing.
If you are in the process of being conformed to the image of Christ, then you need to think like God thinks, and speak like God speaks! Sentimental gush might make you feel good, and feel like everyone is intelligent and loving and wise, but God's truth should make you realize, and know that all people without Christ are lost, and all of them are totally stupid because if they are not worshiping Him, they are worshiping false gods! Those are the only options. Either men are believers or they are idolators. There are no other options! And idolatry is the height of stupidity, because it worships what it knows can never be God.
Human stupidity is what keeps men in the dark.
Human stupidity is what keeps them loving darkness rather than light (John 3:19).
Human stupidity keeps men lost.
Human stupidity is what sends them to hell in the end.
So dear Christian friend, do yourself a favor, and do the people whom you care about a favor. Think what God thinks, and say what God says. Get busy doing and saying everything in your power to correct the false pride of the lost people whom you know and want to see come to Christ. They value their own intelligence. They think that their baseless opinions are just as good as yours. And they are the ones who are lost! Correct them! Chastise them! Rebuke their ignorant excuses and lame ideas! Your God, if you are a Christian, says that they are totally stupid. Believe God and say what He says! If God's estimate of fallen man is that He is stupid, then fallen men need to know exactly what God thinks of them so they can seek His remedy for their stupidity, which is found only in the person of Jesus Christ who is the truth, light, life and only way out of ignorance and blindness. Do not pay attention to their stupid questions, which are designed only to trip you up and make you as stupid as them. Do not follow their stupid rabbit trails through the rivers and woods trying to get you to prove something for them, or to answer something which is ridiculous. If you are going to reach them, and if you are in fact the agent of change that God wants you to be in their life, then you will need to confront them, refuse to listen to their garbage, and explain why they are so stupid and in such complete need of Christ to save them from their utter and complete intellectual, moral, social and spiritual bankruptcy. You need to silence their stupid remarks and questions and get them to listen to the only thing able to help them. The only question you should ever listen to is: "What must I do to be saved?" That is the only question which they can ever ask you that does not proceed from their stupidity, but from the realization that they know finally how stupid they really are and that they need to be saved from it. They need Christ to save them from their sin, and to save them from themselves! Their problem is not just what they do, but it is what they think and what they are. They are dead (Eph. 2:1,5; Col. 2:13). And the dead know nothing (Eccl. 9:5)!
That is why God calls Christians to preach the gospel. This means that you declare the truth to them without compromising it, and without doctoring it up so that it will soothe their evil minds and make then feel good without salvation. The gospel must convict them, before it can convert them! It must awaken them before they can see the light. And it will do neither if you make it appear, even in the slightest way, that they are OK already, that they are thinking right, when actually they are insane! They are not OK. They are not even close to being OK of they have not yet cried out..."What must I do to be saved?" If they are lost, they are dead and doomed without Christ. They are miserable and ignorant. Their only hope is in Jesus Christ, but they are too stupid to recognize it. That's what you must get across, and you must do it so that they will take it seriously, when you say it. Tell them, show them, and weep in front of them, because their terrible stupidity. But never, never, never, tell them or imply they are smart when God says otherwise.
Here is the wrong way to witness to a stupid person. If they are Buddhist, and you tell them, "Oh Buddhism is a wonderful way, and Buddha had many wonderful ideas. I know lots of wonderful people who are Buddhists. I think there is good in every religion. But Jesus said you need to believe in Him, more than you believe in Buddha". You have not witnessed or preached the gospel at all. In fact, if you speak and act like that toward your friend, because you figure you don't want to turn them off, and you want to be gentle; what you have actually done, is said to them: "Jesus Christ is a liar, and the Bible is not true! You will be just fine if you continue to stare at your navel. You don't really need to be saved because you're alright just the way you are". That is horrific and abominable! That's not preaching the gospel. It's withholding the gospel from someone who desperately needs it!
Christians do stuff like that every day; and every unbeliever sees right through it, knows that that is not the true message of the gospel; knows that Christ claimed to be the only way, the truth and the life. But because they don't want to hear that, due to their unconditional stupidity, they seek the ways that are right in their own eyes, which are the ways of destruction (Proverbs 14:12). You give them your approval to disregard Christ and the gospel message when you screw it up by trying to doctor it up and make it sound more loving than it actually is!
When you do not think like God thinks, and you do not speak like He speaks; and when you falsely assume that you can improve his message by taking the side of your friend instead of the side of God, you have disgraced the Lord, and have probably helped to drive your friend even further from Christ, and further into His own stupid world of darkness and damnation. Do you want to be used in the reprobation of men, or as an agent for their salvation? Are you trying to drive them further from Christ? Or are you trying to introduce them to Christ? If you withhold the truth of what God says about their complete lack of intelligence from them, then you are confirming that their wrong screwed up and idolatrous thinking is alright. You should be ashamed of yourself if that's how you try witness to anyone! That's not loving. That's not kind. That's hateful. That's withholding the truth, not preaching it. You show that you hate your friend, because you want to hold the truth from him. And you show that you are embarrassed by the message of the Bible, because you think you can improve upon it, by clothing it in velvet and delivering it with pansies and butterflies to decorate it! God help you if you think like that. It is perfectly right, and good, and wholesome, and beautiful, and beneficial, to tell people everything that God says about them. We have no right to withhold anything, and we certainly have no right ignore anything either. It also shows that you are very arrogant and stupid yourself, if you think that the Bible and the truth revealed by God, is an embarrassment that needs to be hid, doctored up, and modified by your helping hand, in order to make it sound sweet and loving in all those areas where it actually sounds harsh and condemning. When you affirm that unbelievers have any intelligence at all, you are calling God a liar. He says they are stupid...utterly stupid...absolutely stupid...and totally stupid. You call God a liar if you disagree.
Jer 10:14-15 Every man is stupid and without knowledge; every goldsmith is put to shame by his idols, for his images are false, and there is no breath in them. They are worthless, a work of delusion; at the time of their punishment they shall perish. (ESV)
Jer 51:17-18 Every man is stupid and without knowledge; every goldsmith is put to shame by his idols, for his images are false, and there is no breath in them. They are worthless, a work of delusion; at the time of their punishment they shall perish. (ESV)
Job 11:12 But a stupid man will get understanding when a wild donkey's colt is born a man! (ESV)
Jer 51:17-18 Every man is stupid and without knowledge; every goldsmith is put to shame by his idols, for his images are false, and there is no breath in them. They are worthless, a work of delusion; at the time of their punishment they shall perish. (ESV)
Job 11:12 But a stupid man will get understanding when a wild donkey's colt is born a man! (ESV)
I think the doctrine of mans total depravity needs to be properly accentuated by this important doctrine of mans total unconditional stupidity. These two fundamental doctrines go hand in hand, and while the first is generally well affirmed, (at least in Reformed circles), the second is usually not even mentioned. Why is this?
I would go so far as to say that we tend to shy away from the important doctrine of mans total unconditional stupidity, (which actually stresses his total inability), because we have bought into the worlds erroneous concept that "there is a little bit of good in everyone". Is there?
The Pelagian view of man is that man is fully intelligent because he was created in the image of God. This is the world's popular view. And this is the view of most Christians, and theologians who preach tradition rather than the truth.
In contrast however, the Biblical view of man says: "There is no one with understanding; no one who seeks God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good no not one" (Romans. 3:11-12).
No one has any understanding by nature. That is a mental characteristic that comes only by grace. This is why God repeatedly refers to men as blind and deaf (Matt. 13:15). He says: "They have neither knowledge nor understanding, they walk about in darkness" (Psalm 82:5). God actually goes so far as to say, not only are they stupid and have no knowledge, but they "hate knowledge" (Prov. 1:29). "Fools hate knowledge" (Prov. 1:22). " Therefore they say unto God, Depart from us; for we desire not the knowledge of thy ways" (Job 21:14). "But unto the wicked God saith... thou hatest instruction, and castest my words behind thee" (Psalm 50:16-17). " For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved" (John 3:20).
The Bible does not endorse the false notion that man is naturally brilliant. In fact it says that while they claim to be wise they are actually fools (Rom. 1:22). Man is not intelligent. He is stupid. That's what the Bible says, and that is not a message which is at all difficult to understand. In fact I think even the most stupid of men can understand quiet easily what God means when He says: "Every man is stupid and without knowledge". That's so simple to understand that even the most stupid among us can grasp it. That's precisely why it needs to be an integral part of our message. God said it and so should we!
God does not praise those who worship other gods as diverse and broad-minded people, but he calls their religions worthless, and He says that because they hate Him, they are stupid.The idea that every person is intelligent, and deserves our respect and admiration, even if they are worshiping false Gods, is a horrible UN-Christian notion. It's actually quite hateful! It leaves the poor ignorant lost man, who happens to consider himself as an intellectual giant, with the idea that we admire his stupendous intellect and achievements! But God says that He is stupid, that He hates knowledge, that his false religion is idolatry, and that he is on his way to hell! Is it kind or loving to lead him on and lie to him like that? We should never in the slightest way condone mans sinful and idolatrous thinking. Sending the false signal that you, and God, approve of stupid people's intelligence, philosophy, false religions, godlessness, atheistic thought patterns, and hatred for the truth is a horrible and hateful thing for Christians to do.
Men are going to hell because they are stupid! And if you lead them on to think that there is something good in their religion, or in their godless thoughts; and you affirm the lie that there is something good in all religions, and that even people who reject Christ are still people of high intellect and morality; you are showing that you hate them, and want to see them go to hell! Because you would rather tell them how good they are, then how bad God says they actually are. You are not demonstrating Christian kindness, love and understanding, or any compassion at all. When you lather up the pride of evil people and tell them how wonderful they are, you are demonstrating that you want them to go to hell so much, that you are willing to withhold the truth about them, from them! . You should be ashamed of yourself if you do that. When you think like that, you are thinking just like them, and perhaps that is because you are not saved either? Maybe secretly you know that you are one of them, and that is why you persist in thinking so stupidly. You should examine yourself if you cannot wrap your mind around one of the simplest statements that the Bible makes anywhere..."Every man is stupid and without knowledge"! You need to learn to think and say what God says, instead of trying to improve it by glossing over it, or ignoring it, or trying to cover it up and change it. That is very wrong to do. And it is not something Christians should ever feel comfortable doing.
If you are in the process of being conformed to the image of Christ, then you need to think like God thinks, and speak like God speaks! Sentimental gush might make you feel good, and feel like everyone is intelligent and loving and wise, but God's truth should make you realize, and know that all people without Christ are lost, and all of them are totally stupid because if they are not worshiping Him, they are worshiping false gods! Those are the only options. Either men are believers or they are idolators. There are no other options! And idolatry is the height of stupidity, because it worships what it knows can never be God.
Human stupidity is what keeps men in the dark.
Human stupidity is what keeps them loving darkness rather than light (John 3:19).
Human stupidity keeps men lost.
Human stupidity is what sends them to hell in the end.
So dear Christian friend, do yourself a favor, and do the people whom you care about a favor. Think what God thinks, and say what God says. Get busy doing and saying everything in your power to correct the false pride of the lost people whom you know and want to see come to Christ. They value their own intelligence. They think that their baseless opinions are just as good as yours. And they are the ones who are lost! Correct them! Chastise them! Rebuke their ignorant excuses and lame ideas! Your God, if you are a Christian, says that they are totally stupid. Believe God and say what He says! If God's estimate of fallen man is that He is stupid, then fallen men need to know exactly what God thinks of them so they can seek His remedy for their stupidity, which is found only in the person of Jesus Christ who is the truth, light, life and only way out of ignorance and blindness. Do not pay attention to their stupid questions, which are designed only to trip you up and make you as stupid as them. Do not follow their stupid rabbit trails through the rivers and woods trying to get you to prove something for them, or to answer something which is ridiculous. If you are going to reach them, and if you are in fact the agent of change that God wants you to be in their life, then you will need to confront them, refuse to listen to their garbage, and explain why they are so stupid and in such complete need of Christ to save them from their utter and complete intellectual, moral, social and spiritual bankruptcy. You need to silence their stupid remarks and questions and get them to listen to the only thing able to help them. The only question you should ever listen to is: "What must I do to be saved?" That is the only question which they can ever ask you that does not proceed from their stupidity, but from the realization that they know finally how stupid they really are and that they need to be saved from it. They need Christ to save them from their sin, and to save them from themselves! Their problem is not just what they do, but it is what they think and what they are. They are dead (Eph. 2:1,5; Col. 2:13). And the dead know nothing (Eccl. 9:5)!
That is why God calls Christians to preach the gospel. This means that you declare the truth to them without compromising it, and without doctoring it up so that it will soothe their evil minds and make then feel good without salvation. The gospel must convict them, before it can convert them! It must awaken them before they can see the light. And it will do neither if you make it appear, even in the slightest way, that they are OK already, that they are thinking right, when actually they are insane! They are not OK. They are not even close to being OK of they have not yet cried out..."What must I do to be saved?" If they are lost, they are dead and doomed without Christ. They are miserable and ignorant. Their only hope is in Jesus Christ, but they are too stupid to recognize it. That's what you must get across, and you must do it so that they will take it seriously, when you say it. Tell them, show them, and weep in front of them, because their terrible stupidity. But never, never, never, tell them or imply they are smart when God says otherwise.
Here is the wrong way to witness to a stupid person. If they are Buddhist, and you tell them, "Oh Buddhism is a wonderful way, and Buddha had many wonderful ideas. I know lots of wonderful people who are Buddhists. I think there is good in every religion. But Jesus said you need to believe in Him, more than you believe in Buddha". You have not witnessed or preached the gospel at all. In fact, if you speak and act like that toward your friend, because you figure you don't want to turn them off, and you want to be gentle; what you have actually done, is said to them: "Jesus Christ is a liar, and the Bible is not true! You will be just fine if you continue to stare at your navel. You don't really need to be saved because you're alright just the way you are". That is horrific and abominable! That's not preaching the gospel. It's withholding the gospel from someone who desperately needs it!
Christians do stuff like that every day; and every unbeliever sees right through it, knows that that is not the true message of the gospel; knows that Christ claimed to be the only way, the truth and the life. But because they don't want to hear that, due to their unconditional stupidity, they seek the ways that are right in their own eyes, which are the ways of destruction (Proverbs 14:12). You give them your approval to disregard Christ and the gospel message when you screw it up by trying to doctor it up and make it sound more loving than it actually is!
When you do not think like God thinks, and you do not speak like He speaks; and when you falsely assume that you can improve his message by taking the side of your friend instead of the side of God, you have disgraced the Lord, and have probably helped to drive your friend even further from Christ, and further into His own stupid world of darkness and damnation. Do you want to be used in the reprobation of men, or as an agent for their salvation? Are you trying to drive them further from Christ? Or are you trying to introduce them to Christ? If you withhold the truth of what God says about their complete lack of intelligence from them, then you are confirming that their wrong screwed up and idolatrous thinking is alright. You should be ashamed of yourself if that's how you try witness to anyone! That's not loving. That's not kind. That's hateful. That's withholding the truth, not preaching it. You show that you hate your friend, because you want to hold the truth from him. And you show that you are embarrassed by the message of the Bible, because you think you can improve upon it, by clothing it in velvet and delivering it with pansies and butterflies to decorate it! God help you if you think like that. It is perfectly right, and good, and wholesome, and beautiful, and beneficial, to tell people everything that God says about them. We have no right to withhold anything, and we certainly have no right ignore anything either. It also shows that you are very arrogant and stupid yourself, if you think that the Bible and the truth revealed by God, is an embarrassment that needs to be hid, doctored up, and modified by your helping hand, in order to make it sound sweet and loving in all those areas where it actually sounds harsh and condemning. When you affirm that unbelievers have any intelligence at all, you are calling God a liar. He says they are stupid...utterly stupid...absolutely stupid...and totally stupid. You call God a liar if you disagree.
Jer 10:14-15 Every man is stupid and without knowledge; every goldsmith is put to shame by his idols, for his images are false, and there is no breath in them. They are worthless, a work of delusion; at the time of their punishment they shall perish. (ESV)
Jer 51:17-18 Every man is stupid and without knowledge; every goldsmith is put to shame by his idols, for his images are false, and there is no breath in them. They are worthless, a work of delusion; at the time of their punishment they shall perish. (ESV)
Job 11:12 But a stupid man will get understanding when a wild donkey's colt is born a man! (ESV)
©2012 E H Jackson This article may be reproduced on Websites and blogs with a direct link from the article back to this website. it may not be republished in any other form without written permission.