A New Feature by My Friend David Heesen
David is an old friend from my college years back at Baptist Bible College, and I had a small part almost 40 years ago in bringing the knowledge of the Doctrines of Grace to Him, in a school environment that was vehemently anti-Calvinistic.
He helped me greatly when I was starting Pioneer Valley Baptist Chapel, and he has been faithfully writing a family newspaper for his wonderful family for many years now, and every issue he includes his short pithy articles on "Pet Sayings Exposed and Exploded." They always hit home with me, because I too share many of these pet peeves against pet sayings, so I asked him if I could publish them on this site. I will add them on a regular basis, so check this column out often. Thank you David, and enjoy! These are gems from a gem. More Pet Sayings
Pet Saying Number 1